

187 bytes added, 18:04, 31 January 2007
It's really thoroughly tested: I used a pen and paper, noted down bugs, fixed them, and retested. Rinse and repeat until no bugs.
It's also pretty similar to the stock file, give or take a few things, to the point that if you use a mouse and keyboard and haven't made any big changes to your setup, then you'll barely notice any difference between using your own file and using this one. A few essential aliases have been added, and one or two seldom used ones were removed. The same goes for the binds. The sets are just better organised, nothing more. Apart from organisation, the sets are just whatever I happen to have set things to over time.
The main points are that the added whitespace makes it more readable, the slightly improved naming convention makes it easier to work with, and the better organisation makes it more useful to look at.