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In order for the hive to effectively engage in combat they had to develop lighter ships with stronger weapons, the assault class of hive bots. These ships have good weapons, good agility, but little armor. The order of difficulty from weakest to strongest: Valent A-47, Prosus, Tycorp, and Dentek. There are also rumors of an organic based assault ship the hive uses, these ships are said to wield very powerful weapons and have good armor. Assault bots are dangerous, but are not as dangerous as the guardian drones.
The TyCorp Assault is the entry level assault bot. It mounts phase blasters- quick but low damage. In a sector with exclusively TyCorps, expect to fight two at a time. If you get your rhythm, however, you can continuously engage these individually. A backroll will generally protect you from generic or suicidal TyCorps, while an aloof TyCorp will cause you headaches if you backroll continuously.