User:Draugath/VO IUP
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Common Attributes ACTIVE = "YES" or "NO" VISIBLE = "YES" or "NO" X = <NUM> -- read-only Y = <NUM> -- read-only W = <NUM> -- read-only H = <NUM> -- read-only SIZE = " "FULL" "THREEQUARTER" "HALF" "THIRD" "TWOTHIRD" "QUARTER" "EIGHTH" "%<NUM>" EXPAND = "YES", "NO", "HORIZONTAL", "VERTICAL" iup.StoreAttribute(<ELEM>, <ATTR>, <VAL>) -- ATTR must be UCase; no apparent difference from SetAttribute iup.SetAttribute(<ELEM>, <ATTR>, <VAL>) -- ATTR must be UCase; no apparent difference from StoreAttribute iup.GetAttribute() iup.Destroy(element) iup.Hide(element) -- dialog only? - Use HideDialog() iup.Map(element) - Never map an iup.frame - Always map an iup.dialog - Cannot map boxes, except iup.cbox iup.Refresh ??? iup.Show(dialog) - use ShowDialog() iup.ShowXY(dialog, posx, posy) - use ShowDialog() ShowDialog(dialog, posx, posy) -- posx, posy (optional) iup.Append(element1, element2) :: element2 is appended to element1 iup.Detach(element) :: detach element from container iup.GetNextChild(element, lastchild) -> element :: gets the next child after lastchild (optional) iup.GetBrother(element) -> element :: get brother of element iup.GetParent(element) -> element :: get parent of element iup.GetDialog(element) -> element :: get dialog of element iup.GetType(element) -> <string> iup.fill({...}) SIZE = <NUM> EXPAND = "YES" or "NO" iup.hbox({element1..elementn, ...}) ALIGNMENT = "ATOP", "ACENTER", "ABOTTOM" GAP = <NUM> MARGIN = "<NUM>x<NUM>" SIZE = <NUM> iup.vbox({element1..elementn, ...}) ALIGNMENT = "ALEFT", "ACENTER", "ARIGHT" GAP = <NUM> MARGIN = "<NUM>x<NUM>" SIZE = <NUM> iup.zbox({element1..elementn, ...}) ALIGNMENT = "ALEFT", "ATOP", "ARIGHT", "ABOTTOM", "NW", "NE", "SW", "SE" ALL = "YES" or "NO" -- display all elements MARGIN = "<NUM>x<NUM>" VALUE = <ELEMENT> -- reference to the visible IUP Element SIZE iup.cbox({element1..elementn, ...}) REFRESH = "YES" CX = <NUM> -- children only CY = <NUM> -- children only{element, ...}) VALUE = reference to active toggle iup.button({...}) BGCOLOR = "<R> <G> <B> [<A>] [*,+,&]" FGCOLOR = "<R> <G> <B> [<A>] [*,+,&]" BORDER -- acts as margin? IMAGE IMPRESS IMINACTIVE TITLE = <STRING> FONT = <NUM> SEGMENTED -- used? HOTKEY TOUCHHOVER = "YES" or "NO" ACTION GETFOCUS_CB KILLFOCUS_CB ENTERWINDOW_CB LEAVEWINDOW_CB BEGINDRAG_CB(self) GIVEFEEDBACK_CB(self, effect) DRAGRESULT_CB(self, effect) QUERYCONTINUEDRAG_CB(self, escapekeystate, keystate) DRAGENTER_CB(self, dataobject, x, y, keystate, effect) DRAGLEAVE_CB(self) DRAGOVER_CB(self, x, y, keystate, effect) DROP_CB(self, dataobject, x, y, keystate, effect) iup.canvas({...}) BGCOLOR = "<R> <G> <B> [<A>] [*,+,&]" -- border color BORDER = "YES" or "NO" SCROLLBAR = "VERTICAL", "HORIZONTAL", "YES", "NO" (Default: "NO") SCROLLBARSIZE = <NUM> SIZE EXPAND LINEX = <NUM> -- 1? DX XMIN XMAX POSX DY YMIN YMAX POSY CANVASLINES MOUSECLICKSOUND XSTYLE = <NUM> -- 1? tabstop = "YES" or "NO" colorpickermode = "ON" or "OFF" ACTION_CB BUTTON_CB -- return iup.DONOTSETCAPTURE ENTERWINDOW_CB -- triggers twice LEAVEWINDOW_CB -- triggers twice MOTION_CB SCROLL_CB iup.frame({element, ...}) BGCOLOR = "<R> <G> <B> [<A>] [*,+,&]" SIZE BORDER = "<NUM> <NUM> <NUM> <NUM>" -- left, top, right, bottom -- sets the margin on the 4 sides IMAGE SEGMENTED = "<NUM> <NUM> <NUM> <NUM>" -- left, top, right, bottom -- value between 0 and 1 DRAWCENTER = "YES" or "NO" (Default: "YES") iup.label({...}) TITLE = <STRING> FONT = <NUM> BGCOLOR = "<R> <G> <B> [<A>] [*,+,&]" FGCOLOR = "<R> <G> <B> [<A>] [*,+,&]" FILTER = "POINT" -- others? IMAGE ALIGNMENT = "ALEFT", "ACENTER", "ARIGHT" SIZE POINTSIZE = "YES" or "NO" WORDWRAP = "YES" or "NO" QUANTIZE = "YES" or "NO" SEGMENTED = "<NUM> <NUM> <NUM> <NUM>" -- left, top, right, bottom - value between 0 and 1 UV = "<NUM> <NUM> <NUM> <NUM>" -- left, top, right, bottom - value between 0 and 1 CENTERUV ACTIVE = "YES" or "NO" -- Does??? ENTERWINDOW_CB LEAVEWINDOW_CB iup.list "1" "2" "n" SIZE VALUE = <NUM> | <STRING> -- simple or dropdown list index of selected item | multiple-select string of successive "+" and "-" indicating which items are selected FONT = <NUM> MULTIPLE = "YES" or "NO" CONTROL = "YES" or "NO" DROPDOWN = "YES" or "NO" (Default: "NO") VISIBLE_ITEMS = <NUM> -- dropdown list only MARGINX MARGINY IMAGE BORDERCOLOR FOCUSEDBORDERCOLOR SELCOLOR UNFOCUSEDSELCOLOR ACTION GETFOCUS_CB -- when not dropdown and not multiple, each selection KILLFOCUS_CB -- when not dropdown and not multiple iup.multiline({...}) APPEND INSERT BORDER NC CARET -- appears to only accept/return the character position, not the row,col READONLY SIZE WANTSLONGPRESS DONT_RECURSE MARGINX MARGINY ALIGNMENT = "ALEFT" or "ARIGHT" IMAGE BOXCOLOR -- unselected box color MOUSEOVERBOXCOLOR -- hover and selected box color SCROLL -- "PAGEUP", "PAGEDOWN", "BOTTOM", "TOP" ACTION(char, after) CARET_CB(row, col) -- on mouse click or before action; row and col values appear to always be 1,1 (ALEFT or ARIGHT) or 0,0 (ACENTER) GETFOCUS_CB KILLFOCUS_CB ENTERWINDOW_CB LEAVEWINDOW_CB DRAGENTER_CB DRAGLEAVE_CB DRAGOVER_CB DROP_CB clicking in the control will only set the caret to the first row. use iup.progressbar({...}) visible = "NO" active = "NO" title = "" expand = "NO", --"HORIZONTAL", size minvalue maxvalue lowertexture middleabovetexture middletexture middlebelowtexture uppertexture uppercolor lowercolor value = <NUM> uv = "0 0.25 1 0.75" MIDDLEABOVECOLOR MIDDLEBELOWCOLOR altvalue = <NUM> type="HORIZONTAL", mode = "TRINARY" -- other values or merely not using it? iup.text({...}) APPEND -- appends text to the end of the string INSERT -- inserts text at the caret position BORDER = "YES" or "NO" BORDERCOLOR BGCOLOR FGCOLOR NC = <NUM> FONT = <NUM> CARET = <NUM> ACTIVE = "YES" or "NO" READONLY = "YES" or "NO" SIZE PASSWORD = "YES" or "NO" VALUE = <STRING> WANTTAB = "YES" or "NO" DONT_RECURSE -- ??? POINTSIZE = "YES" or "NO" -- ??? BLENDMODE = "ALPHA" -- does what? MOUSEOVERBOXCOLOR -- hover and selected box color BOXCOLOR -- unselected box color MARGINX MARGINY NUMERICAL = "YES" or "NO" -- ??? IMAGE ACTION(self, char, after) GETFOCUS_CB KILLFOCUS_CB ENTERWINDOW_CB LEAVEWINDOW_CB iup.toggle({...}) (requires images to display value change) BGCOLOR -- Toggle color FGCOLOR -- Text color FONT IMAGE IMPRESS IMINACTIVE IMMOUSEOVER IMMARGIN = <NUM> IMCHECK = <IMAGE> IMCHECKINACTIVE = <IMAGE> VALUE = "ON" or "OFF" (Default: "OFF") TITLE SEGMENTED ACTION(self, state) -- state: 1 ("ON") or 0 ("OFF") GETFOCUS_CB KILLFOCUS_CB ENTERWINDOW_CB LEAVEWINDOW_CB iup.matrix iup.modelview VALUE EXPAND MODE -- 1 ?? ACTIVE FGCOLOR local meshname, meshfile, shipcolor, itemtype, overlayindex = GetShipMeshInfo(activeshipid) SetViewObject(portview, meshname, meshfile, shipcolor, itemtype, overlayindex) :ProjectPoint(portinfo and portinfo.position or gvector(0, 0, 0)) -> something?? :SetOrientation(math3d.MakeQuatFromGVectors(gvector(0, 0, 1), gvector(0, 1, 0))) iup.tree BORDER = "YES" or "NO" BGCOLOR MARGINX MARGINY SIZE general SCROLLBAR FONT ADDEXPANDED marks VALUE -- no selection: -1; assignment < last index: no effect; anything other than a number selects first index images -- set to "" to remove image IMAGELEAF IMAGEBRANCHCOLLAPSED IMAGEBRANCHEXPANDED IMAGE<ID> IMAGEEXPANDED<ID> nodes NAME STATE -- "EXPANDED" or "COLLAPSED" DEPTH KIND PARENT COLOR -- text color action ADDLEAAF -- DONOT USE; USE :addleaf() instead; inserts below the specified node instead of appending to it; either build each level of your tree in reverse order or change the depth of each node as it's made ADDBRANCH -- DONOT USE; USE :addbranch() instead; inserts below the specified node instead of appending to it; either build each level of your tree in reverse order or change the depth of each node as it's made DELNODEid -- "SELECTED" or "CHILDREN"; if only ever going to deleted specific nodes, then use :delnode() SELECTION_CB(index, state) BRANCHOPEN_CB(index) BRANCHCLOSE_CB(index) RENAMENODE_CB(id, name) -- double-click RIGHTCLICK_CB(index) BEGINDRAG_CB GIVEFEEDBACK_CB DRAGRESULT_CB QUERYCONTINUEDRAG_CB DRAGENTER_CB DRAGLEAVE_CB DRAGOVER_CB DROP_CB :clear() :setdepth() :setstate() :setname() :addbranch() :addleaf() :setimage() :setimageexpanded() :delnode() iup.TreeSetUserId(<TREE>, <INDEX>, <VALUE>) -- can assign any value as a UserId; set to nil before removing iup.TreeGetUserId(<TREE>, <INDEX>) iup.TreeGetId(<TREE>, <VALUE>) iup.navmap({...}) SIZE EXPAND SCROLLBAR CURRENTID CLICKEDID ["COLOR"..<NUM>] -- Sector ID LOADMAP SETPATH K_ANY CLICK_CB GETFOCUS_CB MOUSEOVER_CB iup.image iup.dialog({element, ...}) BORDER MAXBOX MINBOX RESIZE TITLE SIZE STARTFOCUS = reference DEFAULTENTER = reference DEFAULTESC = reference X Y SHRINK FULLSCREEN TOPMOST SHOW_CB MAP_CB CLOSE_CB iup.NextField(<ELEMENT>) -> <ELEMENT> -- Returns and moves to the next element in series after the provided element iup.PreviousField -- Appears to work like NextField iup.GetFocus iup.SetFocus iup.SetHandle() iup.GetHandle() iup.GetName() iup.GetAllNames() iup.GetAllDialogs() iup.IsValid(element) -- ??? iup.DoDragDrop({ type = "invitem", text = name, itemid = itemid, image = itemicon, portid = portid }, self, iup.DROP_COPY + iup.DROP_MOVE)