From Vendetta Lua
Controls |
Dialog |
Creates the toggle interface element. It is a two-state (on/off) button that, when selected, generates an action that activates a function in the associated application. Its visual representation can contain a text or an image.
iup.toggle{} -> (elem: ihandle)
- This function returns the identifier of the created toggle, or nil if an error occurs.
- BGCOLOR: Color of the toggle.
- FGCOLOR: Color of the text shown on the toggle.
- FONT: Font size the text shown on the toggle.
- IMAGE: Toggle image. When the IMAGE attribute is defined, the TITLE is not shown. This makes the toggle look just like a button with an image, but its behavior remains the same.
- IMPRESS: Image of the pressed toggle.
- IMINACTIVE: Image of the inactive toggle. If it is not defined but IMAGE is defined then for inactive toggles the non transparent colors will be replaced by a darker version of the background color creating the disabled effect.
- IMCHECK: Image
- VALUE: Toggle's state. Values can be "ON" or "OFF". Default: "OFF".
- TITLE: Toggle's text.
- ACTION: Action generated when the toggle's state (on/off) changes. The callback also receives the toggle's state.
elem:action(v: number) -> (ret: number)
- v: 1 if the toggle's state was shifted to on; 0 if it was shifted to off.
- Toggle with image or text can not change its behavior after mapped. This is a creation attribute. But after creation the image can be changed for another image, and the text for another text.
- Text is left aligned and image is centered.
- Toggles are activated using the Space key.
- To build a set of mutual exclusive toggles, insert them in a IupRadio container. They must be inserted before creation, and their behavior can not be changed.
- Unlike buttons, toggles always display the button border when IMAGE and IMPRESS are both defined.
See Also