Difference between revisions of "HUDLayout"

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(HUD Layout Data)
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Latest revision as of 18:22, 30 August 2007

["addoncolumn1"] = userdata: 07D32D40, --First column for addon icons
["addoncolumn2"] = userdata: 07DA4138, --Second column for addon icons
["addonframe"] = userdata: 072C96F8, --The container of the addon icons
["addonlist"] = { --Table containing specific icons that go into addoncolumns
     ["2"] = {
          ["container"] = userdata: 06608568,
          ["highlight"] = userdata: 069F8528,
          ["icon"] = userdata: 070C0508,
          ["qtext"] = userdata: 074D68B8,
     ["3"] = {
          ["container"] = userdata: 080E87E8,
          ["highlight"] = userdata: 07E49B70,
          ["icon"] = userdata: 06C5FE00,
          ["qtext"] = userdata: 0808FE80,
     ["4"] = {
          ["container"] = userdata: 07C37EE8,
          ["highlight"] = userdata: 0722CBB0,
          ["icon"] = userdata: 06850E08,
          ["qtext"] = userdata: 07413470,
["alladdonicons"] = { --Same as above, I think.
     ["1"] = {
          ["container"] = userdata: 06608568,
          ["highlight"] = userdata: 069F8528,
          ["icon"] = userdata: 070C0508,
          ["qtext"] = userdata: 074D68B8,
     ["2"] -- Already printed.
     ["3"] -- Already printed.
     ["4"] -- Already printed.
     ["5"] = {
          ["container"] = userdata: 06AC3428,
          ["highlight"] = userdata: 06A59648,
          ["icon"] = userdata: 071235D0,
          ["qtext"] = userdata: 070A67E0,
     ["6"] = {
          ["container"] = userdata: 06596D18,
          ["highlight"] = userdata: 075F8350,
          ["icon"] = userdata: 06829CC8,
          ["qtext"] = userdata: 02F151B8,
["alladdonlist"] = userdata: 0653A7E0, --List of all addons, not sure what it contains.
["allcargoicons"] = { --Contains the cargo icons, as well as addon icons. Even though there is twenty, doesn't mean I'm carrying twenty items.
     ["1"] -- Already printed.
     ["2"] -- Already printed.
     ["3"] -- Already printed.
     ["4"] -- Already printed.
     ["5"] -- Already printed.
     ["6"] -- Already printed.
     ["7"] = {
          ["container"] = userdata: 030F72A8,
          ["icon"] = userdata: 08402C88,
          ["qtext"] = userdata: 069ABDA0,
     ["8"] = {
          ["container"] = userdata: 069AF950,
          ["icon"] = userdata: 06BFECB8,
          ["qtext"] = userdata: 07244E08,
     ["9"] = {
          ["container"] = userdata: 08039030,
          ["icon"] = userdata: 073D4660,
          ["qtext"] = userdata: 0731C6D0,
     ["10"] = {
          ["container"] = userdata: 07A0E108,
          ["icon"] = userdata: 07313BC0,
          ["qtext"] = userdata: 06DD3DE0,
     ["11"] = {
          ["container"] = userdata: 07EF3490,
          ["icon"] = userdata: 07779148,
          ["qtext"] = userdata: 0695CD38,
     ["12"] = {
          ["container"] = userdata: 08489040,
          ["icon"] = userdata: 0700ADB8,
          ["qtext"] = userdata: 06DCD0F0,
     ["13"] = {
          ["container"] = userdata: 08000638,
          ["icon"] = userdata: 08125CF8,
          ["qtext"] = userdata: 07E10240,
     ["14"] = {
          ["container"] = userdata: 072D9F58,
          ["icon"] = userdata: 06FCF1A8,
          ["qtext"] = userdata: 08B3BC20,
     ["15"] = {
          ["container"] = userdata: 0670BDE8,
          ["icon"] = userdata: 06FCAC68,
          ["qtext"] = userdata: 02FDDA30,
     ["16"] = {
          ["container"] = userdata: 0735C8C0,
          ["icon"] = userdata: 03041050,
          ["qtext"] = userdata: 07156848,
     ["17"] = {
          ["container"] = userdata: 074F0150,
          ["icon"] = userdata: 07EACBC8,
          ["qtext"] = userdata: 06BE9AE8,
     ["18"] = {
          ["container"] = userdata: 03060F08,
          ["icon"] = userdata: 071660F8,
          ["qtext"] = userdata: 070EF500,
     ["19"] = {
          ["container"] = userdata: 069141D0,
          ["icon"] = userdata: 0912F070,
          ["qtext"] = userdata: 06EEBF88,
     ["20"] = {
          ["container"] = userdata: 0804DD50,
          ["icon"] = userdata: 0721B2E8,
          ["qtext"] = userdata: 075AB550,
["blood_flash"] = userdata: 07687660, --That annoying red flash when you get hit
["cancel_chat"] = function: 0767EB08, --When you hit escape to stop chat entry, I think this is called
["cargocolumn1"] = userdata: 068DE150, --Cargo column
["cargocolumn2"] = userdata: 066E2EE8, --Second cargo column
["cargoframe"] = userdata: 066F7660, --Frame that holds cargo columns
["cboxlayer"] = userdata: 069F1D08, --The layer the chatbox is chilling in(It's a zbox)
["ChangeAddonElement"] = function: 07BF1EA0, --Beats me.
["ChangeFlightMode"] = function: 0895FF28, --Switches flight modes. Maybe only affects HUD
["ChangeShipInfo"] = function: 0691C9E0, --Who knows? Probably changes some info about your ship.
["chatcontainer"] = { --Holds the general chatlog. To modify chatlog lines, update the proper field in _generalchatlog(It's a global.) and then do HUD.chatcontainer.chattext.value = table.concat(_generalchatlog, "\n"). This is working code.
     ["chatentry"] = userdata: 02AA1200, --The element you enter chat into
     ["chattext"] = userdata: 07182040, --The element that holds the chatlog itself
     ["chattitle"] = userdata: 076E35A8, --The prompt before the chatentry box
     ["log"] = { --The log! I think it's just a mirror of the global _generalchatlog
          --Removed most of it, since it's huge. Indices range from 1 to 101. Example structure below.
          [1] = "\127FFFFFFWelcome to Vendetta Online.",
          [2] = "\127ADADADThis is an example of the general chat log",
          ["updated"] = false,
     ["reset"] = function: 075C8A68, --Resets the chat, somehow. Dunno.
     ["update_cb"] = function: 068C1A80, --Wish I knew.
     ["vbox"] = userdata: 06679AD0, --Contains the whole thing
["chatframe"] = userdata: 065136A8, --Contains the chat container. Container container, you might say.
["continuecoursemsgprinted"] = false, --True if the message "you need to blah to continue this course" prints to the HUD
["CreateChatArea"] = function: 07752F38, --Not sure about these Create functions, but I'd wager they return iup userdata after creating what they say they create.
["CreateGroupArea"] = function: 06F92528,
["CreateGroupList"] = function: 08E20B00,
["CreateIconAreas"] = function: 06724F08,
["CreateLicenseWatchArea"] = function: 08DBD918,
["CreateMissionTimerArea"] = function: 08A28C30,
["CreateSelfInfo"] = function: 06C19118,
["CreateTargetArea"] = function: 07274760,
["curdamage"] = { --Holds the current damage values for that green wireframe on the right.
     ["1"] = 0,
     ["2"] = 0,
     ["3"] = 0,
     ["4"] = 0,
     ["5"] = 0,
     ["6"] = 0,
["currentshowmode"] = all, --Should everything show? Dunno about valid values. Needs testing.
["damage_direction"] = { --Damage directional indicators for when you get hit. 
     ["3"] = userdata: 06901408,
     ["4"] = userdata: 0761AD20,
     ["5"] = userdata: 079B2118,
     ["6"] = userdata: 02DCBBF0,
["destarrow"] = 0, --No clue.
["Destroy"] = function: 03108978, --HU-MANS. It destroys stuff. However, destroying stuff sometimes leads to despair. Despair leads to fear. Fear leads to...oh fuck it.
["DestroyGroupList"] = function: 07753070, --HU-MANS
["distancebar"] = userdata: 06F6C070, --The distance bar
["distancetext"] = userdata: 074166E8, --The text on the distance bar
["dlg"] = userdata: 07C41108, --The whole shebang. Everything in the HUD is a child of this guy.
["energybar"] = userdata: 064D8320, --Your energy bar
["firstcargolist"] = userdata: 06884A88, --Probably the first cargo list. The one you have before you expand stuff
["group_list_visible"] = false, --Is the group thing to the right visible?
["groupinfo"] = userdata: 071E5820, --That group thing that's not visible.
["groupinfoframe"] = userdata: 08551F58, --Frame to hold the group thing
["help_text"] = userdata: 08B60E00, --Press F1 for help.
["HideGroupList"] = function: 081814B0, --Hides the group thing to the right.
["HideHUD"] = function: 065629A0, --Hides the HUD
["HideMost"] = function: 0800C8F8, --HideMost is called for cinematics where you end up with merely the chatscreen
["hitby_text"] = userdata: 06E3A788, --Who the hell scratched my paint?
["hud_toggled_off"] = false, --Is the HUD toggled off?
["hudtype"] = ship, --What type of HUD do we have? Ship? Turret? Landborne tank?
["invclosed"] = true, --Is the inventory(expanded cargo?) close?
["IsVisible"] = true, --Can you see what I did here?
["jumpindicator"] = { --The jump indicator bar and associated bits
     ["distance3000m"] = userdata: 0683C3C8,
     ["distance_all"] = userdata: 08682A08,
     ["distancebar"] = userdata: 06834380,
["layer3_other1"] = userdata: 06E4A230, --Various layers of the HUD. 
["layer3_other2"] = userdata: 0675BB80,
["layers"] = {
     ["1"] = userdata: 0748A170,
     ["2"] = userdata: 06CA4D28,
     ["3"] = userdata: 085707E8,
     ["4"] = userdata: 0725AA68,
     ["5"] = userdata: 06848D00,
     ["6"] = userdata: 08112870,
     ["7"] = userdata: 08D18CF0,
     ["8"] = userdata: 0764ED20,
     ["9"] = userdata: 06E179F8,
     ["10"] = userdata: 07687660,
     ["11"] = userdata: 069F1D08,
     ["all"] = YES,
["leadoff_arrow"] = userdata: 0804C4B0, --That thing you aim for.
["leftbar"] = userdata: 06F568C8, --The bar on the left(Don't ask me)
["leftflightassistindicator"] = userdata: 07DA4BE8, --Flight assist indicator.
["lefttext"] = userdata: 0807DA38, --Text on the left(who knows?)
["licensewatch_percenttext"] = userdata: 0828FB30, --Following ones watch the licenses so they don't commit crimes.
["licensewatch_progress"] = userdata: 06EE9688,
["licensewatchframe"] = userdata: 08288160,
["licensewatchlabel"] = userdata: 0882E6B8,
["locationtext"] = userdata: 0754EBE0, --Are we there yet?
["logoff_text"] = userdata: 08DC7960, --This is where the logoff countdown text goes
["Make"] = function: 071FEB50, --Probably makes something. Only Ghandi knows though.
["maxspeed"] = 65, --This is as fast as you can go. Modifying this value will not modify reality, suckah.
["missionlogcontainer"] = { --Contains the mission log. See chat log for more detailed description. I think this is mostly phased out now.
     ["chatentry"] = userdata: 0762FCF0,
     ["chattext"] = userdata: 07C80EC0,
     ["chattitle"] = userdata: 07DA95A8,
     ["log"] -- Already printed.
     ["reset"] = function: 08A4BB68,
     ["update_cb"] = function: 068C1A80,
     ["vbox"] = userdata: 08407A60,
["missiontimer"] = userdata: 07542480, --Mission timer stuff
["missiontimerframe"] = userdata: 07C7E758,
["missionupdateindicator"] = userdata: 072A9CA8, --Indicates a mission update
["missionupdateindicatorbutton"] = userdata: 06B766E0,
["morecargoindicator"] = userdata: 07A90F10, --Indicates if we have more cargo.
["morecargoindicator2"] = userdata: 06C0EF88,
["morethan4items"] = false, --Apparently I don't have five items.
["notify_text"] = userdata: 086B4F60, --Those big messages on your HUD? This is them.
["nummissiontimers"] = 0, --No mission timers active
["OnEvent"] = function: 06950C20, --Handles all the HUD events.
["prevtime"] = 3027645328, --Dunno. Looks like the output from os.time()
["PrintSecondaryMissionMsg"] = function: 02F8A4D8, --Prints that green stuff when you do mission objectives.
["PrintSecondaryMsg"] = function: 0671B410, --Same as above, but different.
["progressbars"] = { --Mining progressbars.
     ["container"] = userdata: 06CA1DD8,
     ["items"] = {
["Reload"] = function: 06A230F0, --Probably reloads.
["RemoveAllWeaponProgress"] = function: 06C61A48, --Not sure
["ResetGroupList"] = function: 08076520, --Resets the group list
["restcargoframe"] = userdata: 06FF61F8, --The rest of the cargo frame
["rightbar"] = userdata: 06B3CC68, --The correct bar
["righttext"] = userdata: 06F8D768, --Text on the right
["scaninfo"] = userdata: 0829D9D8, --Info about scanned items. Asteroids, methinks
["secondarychatarea"] = userdata: 0829BB48, --PrintSecondaryChatMsg probably uses this.
["secondarychatarealines"] = {
["sectoralignmenttext"] = userdata: 08A83FD8, --Who owns this dump?
["selfcargo"] = userdata: 087A11E8, --This stuff is all yours
["selfcredits"] = userdata: 08918D58,
["selfhealth"] = userdata: 08CB8988,
["selfhealthimage"] = userdata: 087A7A68,
["selfhealthparts"] = { --That green wireframe itself.
     ["1"] = userdata: 08A3FD08,
     ["2"] = userdata: 07813A80,
     ["3"] = userdata: 081B6F00,
     ["4"] = userdata: 07CC4720,
     ["5"] = userdata: 07AA6D70,
     ["6"] = userdata: 077BE0E8,
     ["all"] = YES,
["selfinfo"] = userdata: 08135EA8,
["selfinfoframe"] = userdata: 08A194F8, --Holds your selfinfo stuffs
["selfmass"] = userdata: 08570320, --Fatty
["setenergy"] = function: 069D8D20, --Sets the DISPLAY of your energy. Does not modify reality.
["SetFlightPath"] = function: 06679CD8, --Not entirely sure
["SetLicenseWatch"] = function: 076D46B8, --Which license do you want to watch tonight?
["SetMode"] = function: 073B4928, --Sets some mode, not sure which one.
["SetSelfHealth"] = function: 0808E6A8, --Sets your health display, takes a decimal from 0 to 1
["setspeed"] = function: 0680EE90, --Not reality modifying
["SetTargetDistance"] = function: 07EA9408, --More display setting stuff
["SetTargetFaction"] = function: 08D4AC68,
["SetTargetHealth"] = function: 085A7660,
["SetTargetName"] = function: 07FFF0B0,
["setup_visible_elements"] = function: 06E79C10, --Sets up the visible elements. How? No idea.
["SetupAddons"] = function: 06B60A38, --See above, replace obvious.
["SetWeaponGroupHighlights"] = function: 0766C560, --Not sure what this does
["Show"] = function: 06B99D60, --Calling HUD:Show() shows the HUD
["ShowChat"] = function: 090DAA50, --Show the chatframe and whatnot
["ShowEverything"] = function: 07390998, --No, hide it.
["ShowGeneralChatEdit"] = function: 07F02880, --Shows the chatedit box
["ShowGroupList"] = function: 0726F448, --Shows the group list.
["showhelpstring"] = 0, --Should we show that F1 thing?
["ShowHUD"] = function: 06442678, --Shows the HUD, somehow better.
["ShowMissionIndicator"] = function: 0669FD20, --Shows the mission update indicator
["speedbar"] = userdata: 07455768, --It's fast liquor
["StartWeaponProgress"] = function: 073430C8, --Start mining progressbar
["StopWeaponProgress"] = function: 076FFE40, --Introduce new legislation
["targetdistance"] = userdata: 0800BC18, --This is the target info display for the upper-right bit
["targetframe"] = userdata: 0803D8A0,
["targethealth"] = userdata: 07F630B8,
["targetname"] = userdata: 06F2E788,
["targetnation"] = userdata: 066ACD00,
["targetshield"] = userdata: 06C5C9F0,
["targetshiptype"] = userdata: 06DC6D48,
["ToggleGroupList"] = function: 08294900, --Toggle whether or not the group list is shown or not
["update"] = function: 06CFA0E8, --Updates, but I don't know how or what.
["UpdateCargoInfo"] = function: 068FDEC0, --All these update what they say they do
["UpdateGroupList"] = function: 09066FD8,
["UpdateGroupMemberHealth"] = function: 082CBE68,
["UpdateGroupMemberInfo"] = function: 08295970,
["UpdateGroupOwner"] = function: 0817B0F0,
["UpdateHealthInfo"] = function: 07C5C8C8,
["UpdateHUDvisibility"] = function: 065A16E0,
["UpdateLicenseWatch"] = function: 089CB970,
["UpdateMissionTimers"] = function: 07EBBAE0,
["UpdateTargetInfo"] = function: 08417F10,
["updatetimer"] = Timer (08A7F910), --A timer keeping track of when to update things
["UpdateWeaponProgress"] = function: 07AC56B0,
["visibility"] = { --What should we show, and what shouldn't we show?
     ["addons"] = YES,
     ["cargo"] = YES,
     ["chat"] = YES,
     ["crosshair"] = YES,
     ["damagedir"] = YES,
     ["distance"] = YES,
     ["energy"] = YES,
     ["fa_indicator"] = true,
     ["fa_notification"] = true,
     ["groupinfo"] = YES,
     ["leadoff"] = YES,
     ["license"] = NO,
     ["missiontimers"] = YES,
     ["radar"] = YES,
     ["selfinfo"] = YES,
     ["speed"] = YES,
     ["targetdir"] = YES,
     ["targetinfo"] = YES,
["visible"] = YES, --Is the HUD visible?
["voteindicator"] = userdata: 068A0750, --Deals with /vote mute
["voteindicatorbutton"] = userdata: 07266620,
["watchedlicense"] = 2, --Which license are we watching?