Difference between revisions of "Credits"

m (Mark McDoogle)
m (Mark McDoogle)
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*Bot Images <small><font color=blue>(color correct, crop and size)</font></small>
*Bot Images <small><font color=blue>(color correct, crop and size)</font></small>
**Initial layout & design of [[Dueling|Dueling]] page.
**Initial layout & design of [[Trade Goods by Class of Goods | TGs by CoG]]

Revision as of 20:26, 6 May 2005


Lemming is Suicidal Lemming on the Vendetta Online Message Board. Lemming is also:

  • The WikiMaster (All bow before me.)
  • The rodent behind the original idea
  • Responsible for the following:
    • General layout of the Wiki.
    • Framework for the Ships page.
    • All of the initial ship pages, and a good portion of the data updates.
    • Most of the FAQ and Glossary.
    • The Badges page.
    • A good portion of the CtC page.
    • Almost all of the pirating page.
    • Text half of the Bots page.
    • The IRC page.
    • Periodic breakage of the Wiki when updating the version.
    • File transfer to our current site.
    • A bunch of the rewriting to MediaWiki syntax.
    • CSS fixes.
    • Extensions. (such as the external image extension that allows the front page's rotating image)
    • The VendettaWiki image in the upper left part of every page.
    • Several other images from ingame.
    • Most of the images in the rotating image on the front page.


Miharu is Celkan on the Vendetta Online Message Board. Miharu is also:

  • The Founder of the VendettaWiki IRC channel, #vendetta-makchuga. (Found on the server cluster irc.slashnet.org)
  • Responsible for the following:
    • Photography related to NPC and AI ships.
    • The GTS page, excepting the images.
    • All of the Missions page.
    • the Chat Area section.
    • Much of the Weapons:Large page.
    • The Binds page, minus the set of pre-made aliases.
    • Pestering Lemming to turn the damn HTML back on every time he updates the Wiki version.
    • VendettaWiki's cool favicon.
    • A bunch of the rewriting of the syntax.


Roguelazer is roguelazer on the Vendetta Online Message Board. Roguelazer is also:

  • Responsible for the following:
    • Design of the bots pages.
    • Uploading all of the prewritten binds.
    • Reformatting all of the Binds after the move to the new MediaWiki.
    • Design of the guild pages.
    • The first two badges entered (Alpha and Beta), and thus the format for all that followed.
    • The Official Wikipedia Entry. Plus those of Guild Software and WGAF.
    • Fixing this page (and lots, lots more) to use correct MediaWiki syntax
    • Lots of grammatical fixes and mistakes.
    • The pictures on the HUD pages
    • Other stuff not mentioned here. :)


Silentsuicide is silentsuicide on the Vendetta Online Message Board. Silentsuicide is also:

  • Responsible for the following:


The_Kid is The Kid on the Vendetta Online Message Board. The_Kid is also:

  • Responsible for the following:
    • Some parts of the Tables of Weapons page (DPE).
    • Some ships and weapons when Lemming is too lazy.
    • Other little junk that you don't care about.

red cactus

red cactus is red cactus on the Vendetta Online Message Board. red cactus is also:

  • Responsible for the following:
    • Transferring/translating the following pages from the old wiki to the new one:
    • Translating a bunch of miscellaneous syntax to the new wiki as I come across them. (like the main page and this one! :D)
    • Fixing various grammatical and mechanical errors around the site.


Tyrdium is Tyrdium on the Vendetta Online Message Board. Tyrdium is also:

  • The webhost.
  • Responsible for the following:
    • Editing for grammar, spelling, and general readability.
    • Random stuff when he feels like it or has time.

Mark McDoogle

Mark McDoogle is johnhawl218 on the Vendetta Online Message Board. Mark McDoogle is also:

Have contributed to:
Help build the image database:
  • Ship Images (color correction)
  • TradeGood Icons (crop and size)
  • Equipment/Weapons Icons (crop and size)
  • Station Shots (color correct, crop and size)
  • Bot Images (color correct, crop and size)
Last modified on 6 May 2005, at 20:26