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Linvir (Talk | contribs)
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Here's my wgaf.cnf
Here's my wgaf.cnf
It's really thoroughly tested: I used a pen and paper, noted down bugs, fixed them, and retested. Rinse and repeat until no bugs.
It's also pretty similar to the stock file, give or take a few things. A few essential aliases have been added, and one or two seldom used ones were removed. The same goes for the binds. The sets are just better organised, nothing more. Apart from organisation, the sets are just whatever I happen to have set things to over time.
The main points are that the added whitespace makes it more readable, the slightly improved naming convention makes it easier to work with, and the better organisation makes it more useful to look at.

Revision as of 18:03, 31 January 2007

Here's my wgaf.cnf

It's really thoroughly tested: I used a pen and paper, noted down bugs, fixed them, and retested. Rinse and repeat until no bugs.

It's also pretty similar to the stock file, give or take a few things. A few essential aliases have been added, and one or two seldom used ones were removed. The same goes for the binds. The sets are just better organised, nothing more. Apart from organisation, the sets are just whatever I happen to have set things to over time.

The main points are that the added whitespace makes it more readable, the slightly improved naming convention makes it easier to work with, and the better organisation makes it more useful to look at.

#     wgaf.cnf
#   This is my nicely formatted, fully featured wgaf.cnf file
#   It contains at least one alias created by others: the variable zoom   
#   There are even some that I've written that others had already written. The
#   reason for this duplicated effort is simple: I didn't like the other ones
#   for one reason or another
#   There are some major sweeping changes in this file compared to the original,
#   meaning that most aliases will not copy/paste nicely into this without some
#   modification.
#   Sorry about that. The thing is, I hated the mess. This file was *crying out*
#   for some kind of a naming convention for things. It's not perfect this way,
#   but I think it's better.
#   Kebyoard behaviour is largely the same as default. I've mapped toggle_turbo
#   to backspace, and some of the default toggle states will probably need
#   adjusting to your defaults if you want to use the toggle aliases to trigger
#   further commands as you toggle in and out of things.
#   Because VO automatically reformats wgaf.cnf, I suggest that you work with
#   this file by saving it as something like "mywgaf.cnf", making ALL your
#   modifications to *that* file, and overwriting it onto the main wgaf.cnf
#   for actual use.
#   This allows you to work with things like comments and whitespace, which is
#   always helpful when creating complex configuration files such as this one.
#   Also note that the final part of this file, the 'sets', will probably differ
#   significantly from your own. I suggest that you do not use my 'sets' under
#   any circumstances, and I am not liable for any damage that you do to your
#   computer if you do. The same goes for the rest of this file actually. You
#   don't get to sue me, because I don't have enough money to make it worth any
#   lawyer's time.


alias    acti                "Activate"

alias    radar_enemies       "radartoggle 5"
alias    radar_friends       "radartoggle 4 12"
alias    radar_objects       "radartoggle 9"
alias    radar_stations      "radartoggle 11"
alias    radar_cargo         "radartoggle 10"
alias    radar_missiles      "radartoggle 6 7"
alias    radar_all           "radartoggle 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12"

alias    sensitivity_up      "_sens125"
alias    sensitivity_down    "_sens75"
alias     _sens10            "set controlresponse 0.10; alias sensitivity_up _sens25;  alias sensitivity_down _sens10;  echo '10%'"
alias     _sens25            "set controlresponse 0.25; alias sensitivity_up _sens50;  alias sensitivity_down _sens10;  echo '25%'"
alias     _sens50            "set controlresponse 0.50; alias sensitivity_up _sens75;  alias sensitivity_down _sens25;  echo '50%'"
alias     _sens75            "set controlresponse 0.75; alias sensitivity_up _sens100; alias sensitivity_down _sens50;  echo '75%'"
alias     _sens100           "set controlresponse 1.00; alias sensitivity_up _sens125; alias sensitivity_down _sens75;  echo '100%'"
alias     _sens125           "set controlresponse 1.25; alias sensitivity_up _sens140; alias sensitivity_down _sens100; echo '125%'"
alias     _sens140           "set controlresponse 1.40; alias sensitivity_up _sens150; alias sensitivity_down _sens125; echo '140%'"
alias     _sens150           "set controlresponse 1.50; alias sensitivity_up _sens200; alias sensitivity_down _sens140; echo '150%'"
alias     _sens200           "set controlresponse 2.00; alias sensitivity_up _sens200; alias sensitivity_down _sens150; echo '200%'"

alias    target_hail         "msg %target% %hailmsg%"
alias    target_message      "prompt '/msg %target%'"
alias    target_pay          "prompt '/givemoney %target%'"


alias    toggle_autoaim      "_autoaimOFF"
alias     _autoaimON         "set autoaim 1; alias toggle_autoaim _autoaimOFF; echo 'AutoAim ON'"
alias     _autoaimOFF        "set autoaim 0; alias toggle_autoaim _autoaimON;  echo 'AutoAim OFF'"

# By default, PgUp and PgDn are used only for console scrolling.
# This allows you to have them perform some other function when the console is closed.
alias    toggle_console      "_consoleON"
alias     _consoleON         "ConsoleToggle; bind PageUp scrollback; bind PageDown scrollforward; alias toggle_console _consoleOFF"
alias     _consoleOFF        "ConsoleToggle; bind PageUp zoom_in;    bing PageDown zoom_out;      alias toggle_console _consoleON"

# This one isn't strictly necessary, but it's useful if you want to make some
# other stuff change as you toggle between fly modes.
# NOTE: You have to alter the default alias according to whether or not you have
# flight assist on by default before adding things to this.
alias    toggle_flymode      "_faOFF"
alias     _faON              "FlyModeToggle; alias toggle_flymode _faOFF"
alias     _faOFF             "FlyModeToggle; alias toggle_flymode _faON"

alias    toggle_hud          "_hudtogOFF"
alias     _hudtogON          "HudToggle; hidelog; alias toggle_hud _hudtogOFF"
alias     _hudtogOFF         "HudToggle; hidelog; alias toggle_hud _hudtogON"

alias    toggle_hudscale     "_hudscaleSMALL"
alias     _hudscaleSMALL     "set rHUDxscale 640; set rHUDyscale 480; alias toggle_hudscale _hudscaleBIG"
alias     _hudscaleBIG       "set rHUDxscale 800; set rHUDyscale 600; alias toggle_hudscale _hudscaleSMALL"

alias    toggle_mouselook    "_mlooktogOFF"
alias     _mlooktogON        "+mlook; alias toggle_mouselook _mlooktogOFF; echo 'Mouselook ON'"
alias     _mlooktogOFF       "-mlook; alias toggle_mouselook _mlooktogON;  echo 'Mouselook OFF'"

alias    toggle_turbo        "_turbtogON"
alias     _turbtogON         " +turbo;   alias toggle_turbo _turbtogOFF; alias acti '_turbtogOFF; Activate'; echo 'Turbo ON'"
alias     _turbtogOFF        " +turbo 0; alias toggle_turbo _turbtogON;  alias acti 'Activate';              echo 'Turbo OFF'"

alias    toggle_zoom         "_zoomtogON"
alias     _zoomtogON         "set fov 14.8148; alias toggle_zoom _zoomtogOFF"
alias     _zoomtogOFF        "set fov 75;      alias toggle_zoom _zoomtogON"

alias    zoom_in             "_zoom02"
alias    zoom_out            "_zoom00"
alias     _zoom00            "set fov 75.0000; alias zoom_out _zoom00; alias zoom_in _zoom01"
alias     _zoom01            "set fov 50.0000; alias zoom_out _zoom00; alias zoom_in _zoom02"
alias     _zoom02            "set fov 33.3333; alias zoom_out _zoom01; alias zoom_in _zoom03"
alias     _zoom03            "set fov 22.2222; alias zoom_out _zoom02; alias zoom_in _zoom04"
alias     _zoom04            "set fov 14.8148; alias zoom_out _zoom03; alias zoom_in _zoom05"
alias     _zoom05            "set fov 9.87650; alias zoom_out _zoom04; alias zoom_in _zoom06"
alias     _zoom06            "set fov 6.58440; alias zoom_out _zoom05; alias zoom_in _zoom07"
alias     _zoom07            "set fov 4.38960; alias zoom_out _zoom06; alias zoom_in _zoom08"
alias     _zoom08            "set fov 2.92640; alias zoom_out _zoom07; alias zoom_in _zoom09"
alias     _zoom09            "set fov 1.95090; alias zoom_out _zoom08; alias zoom_in _zoom10"
alias     _zoom10            "set fov 1.30010; alias zoom_out _zoom09; alias zoom_in _zoom11"
alias     _zoom11            "set fov 0.86710; alias zoom_out _zoom10; alias zoom_in _zoom12"
alias     _zoom12            "set fov 0.57810; alias zoom_out _zoom11; alias zoom_in _zoom13"
alias     _zoom13            "set fov 0.38540; alias zoom_out _zoom12; alias zoom_in _zoom13"


bind     LeftArrow           +TurnLeft
bind     RightArrow          +TurnRight
bind     UpArrow             +TurnDown
bind     DownArrow           +TurnUp
bind     "w"                 +Accelerate
bind     "a"                 +StrafeLeft
bind     "s"                 +Decelerate
bind     "d"                 +StrafeRight
bind     "q"                 +RotateCW
bind     "e"                 +RotateCCW
bind     "r"                 +StrafeUp
bind     "f"                 +StrafeDown
bind     Space               +Brakes
bind     Tab                 +Turbo
bind     Backspace           toggle_turbo

bind     "b"                 RadarNextFront
bind     "z"                 RadarNextFrontEnemy
bind     "x"                 RadarNextNearestEnemy
bind     "y"                 RadarHitBy
bind     "]"                 RadarNext
bind     "["                 RadarPrev
bind     "}"                 LocalRadarNext
bind     "{"                 LocalRadarPrev

bind     "1"                 Weapon1
bind     "2"                 Weapon2
bind     "3"                 Missile1
bind     "4"                 Missile2
bind     "5"                 Missile3
bind     "6"                 Mine1
bind     "v"                 +Shoot3
bind     "c"                 +Shoot1

bind     "T"                 say_sector
bind     "t"                 say_channel
bind     "g"                 say_group
bind     "G"                 say_guild
bind     "h"                 hail

bind     "o"                 toggleinventory
bind     "'"                 toggle_flymode
bind     ";"                 toggle_mouselook
bind     ":"                 toggle_autoaim

bind     Escape              Quit
bind     "`"                 ConsoleToggle
bind     F1                  Help
bind     F4                  toggle_hud
bind     F5                  toggle_hudscale
bind     F9                  ViewToggle
bind     F10                 CameraToggle
bind     F12                 dump
bind     Enter               Activate

bind     "u"                 +TopList
bind     "k"                 CharInfo
bind     "m"                 missionchat
bind     "n"                 nav
bind     "j"                 Jettison

bind     "i"                 toggle_zoom
bind     PageUp              zoom_in
bind     PageDown            zoom_out

bind     MOUSEX              +LookX
bind     MOUSEY              +LookY
bind     LMBUTTON            +Shoot2
bind     MMBUTTON            RadarNextFront
bind     RMBUTTON            +Shoot1
bind     MWHEELUP            zoom_in
bind     MWHEELDOWN          zoom_out
bind     XMBUTTON2           toggle_flymode

    SETS (options)

set      rHiRezBK            "5"
set      rDoEffects          "3"
set      rDoSpaceJunk        "3"
set      rSceneLODBias       "1.000000"
set      rDistanceLODBias    "2.368421"
set      rglow               "1"

set      rRenderStationInMenu "1"
set      rStationMenuAlpha   "0.700000"

set      rHUDfadeout         "4.000000"
set      rHUDxscale          "800.000000"
set      rHUDyscale          "600.000000"

set      snd_mixahead        "0.200000"
set      snd_volume          "1.000000"
set      snd_musicvolume     "0.000000"
set      snd_vel             "3000.000000"

set      filterprivatemsgs   "1"
set      filtersectormsgs    "1"
set      filterhelpmsgs      "1"
set      filtergroupmsgs     "1"
set      filterguildmsgs     "1"
set      filterlongrangemsgs "0"
set      filterchannelmsgs   "1"

set      controlresponse     "1.000000"
set      rTargetBoxMode      "1"
set      flymodeflag         "1"
set      autoaim             "1"
set      fov                 "75.000000"
set      hailmsg             "Hail"
set      update_k            "-3.500000"
set      doKeyRamp           "1"
set      chat_filter         "1"
Last modified on 31 January 2007, at 18:03