
Revision as of 02:40, 21 April 2005 by Lemming (Talk | contribs)

Welcome to the new wiki site. It's like the old one, but with a completely different URL!
This is where the wiki will (hopefully) reside happily for ever and ever. Sorry about all of the 504 errors, wiki being deleted, wiki being undeleted, and other such annoyances, it's been a hectic month for the wiki, and I am grateful for your (continued, I hope) patience.

I would also like to ask you to keep your eyes out for pages that link to places like ships:xyzabc and to remove the ships: part from them. There was an error with the ships namespace that would cause people who weren't logged in to be unable to view the ships pages.
Thank you, --Lemming 20:39, 20 Apr 2005 (CST)

Last modified on 21 April 2005, at 02:40