User:Bobba Zelios

Revision as of 16:21, 29 December 2010 by Bobba Zelios (Talk | contribs)

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Brief History

Bobba Zelios was born in Dau in the year 4318 and led the honest life of a trader, shuffling commodities throughout many parts of UIT space. He never left UIT space until the year 4434, where he was dispatched to deliver some precious datapads to the Itani. Upon arrivial at the Itani station, he was accused of stealing the datapads and replacing them with decoys after a UIT transmission confirmed the authentic copies were dispatched with pilot Zelios. Zelios turned tail and fled into greyspace unscathed and still on good terms with UIT, strangely enough they seemed to not hold him accountable for the problem which caused a cloud of suspicion to formulate around young Zelios, which he carried around for many years. He travelled to Odia, where he went under the guise of a 'trained' fighter pilot, and escorted convoys throughout dangerous grayspace (which were thankfully, never attacked). 2 years later, in 4436 several ViPeR (anti-pirate) members passed through Odia, and extended an offer to train Bobba Zelios in combat. He joined to fight the pirate menance, where he went through extensive training with Strat and frequent practises with a trader who used to pass through greyspace form time-to-time, Nahin Lor. Upon learning essential combat skills and learning to compete with some great pilots Zelios became arrogant and reckless with this new power, and in 4437 started to hate that which had been closest to his heart. He turned to piracy, the very evil he swore to destroy and hunted down traders, VPR's and passers-by like a hound. Eventually he learned patience and skill, joining CLM in late 4437 at which time appeared to be a respectable pirate guild. But in 4438, something in Bobba Zelios broke. He remembered the pedestal the UIT had set him on only to kick from beneath him, and left CLM to throw himself into UIT space to kill anything that moved. Bobba Zelios lasted almost a full day inside UIT space by resting and hiding in Axia and TPG stations. until they finally drove his smoking ship back into Latos. Zelios now hunted for a purpose to his space life, and drifted into the only nation which still accepted him: the honourable Serco. There he joined the Serco military and fought in many battles, but often the rogue merciless streak inside him would re-appear, and he would slaughter his fellow pilots and enemies alike to taste blood. The high-ranking personnel new of Zelios's rogue tendancies, but allowed him to continue to serve due to his combat abilities in the field and payed him standard salary. He joined a guild called THC, which nurtured his sudden desire to kill as a natural impulse and celebrated it instead of silencing it. Now? It is almost 4439, and Zelios can be found hunting down ships in Deneb, or stealing weaponry from convoys and picking fights in the Latos/Sedina area. It's important to note he is not a pirate, he enjoys taking useful loot from prey but it is not of key interest.

Last modified on 29 December 2010, at 16:21