Aerna Seeker

Revision as of 22:54, 28 September 2022 by Versinus Syrin (talk | contribs)
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Aerna Seekers are the special kamikaze ships that make up Strike Forces. They will fly toward their enemies at a high rate of speed and then release a very short-range, high-yield explosive which kills them and either kills or heavily damages their target. In higher numbers they can deshield even capital ships, however they tend to miss their target. By quick maneuvers, they can be avoided, but not outran.

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Weapon XP Combat XP Hull Strength Mass Weapon Ports Max Speed Turbo Speed License ALA
20 _ 20 8kg 1 small 55 m/s 250 m/s 4/0/4/0/0 4,7,10

Aerna Seeker Drops

  Seeker Flares Damage Speed Energy Delay Mass Splash Radius Detonation Ammo
100 120m/s 0/blast 1.5s 1000kg 50m Proximity (100m) 18