Welcome to VendettaWiki's Current Events Page. Here you can find out up to date info on each of the catagories below, as well as information regarding upcoming guide events and player created groups.

Test Server

  • To log into test server while it's still active. Before logging into the universe, add "test:" to the beginning of your user name (test:username), then enter your standard password, and your into the test server. Your chars are sperate, but will start out with what you had in the normal server (ie: money, ships, cargo, etc.)

Capital Ship Battles

  • Ultimate Cap Ship Battle (13) - Saturday, September 10, 2005, at 7pm GMT.
    Use Daylight Saving Time (where applicable) to translate the time. We will be using Scenario 1 for this battle.

National Battles

Capture the Cargo

Vendetta Online CtC Stats Page: here

Top Participents of Previous Week
Itani Serco UIT
Garlic Rollinis musashi fooz2916

Week of Winner Itani Cargo Serco Cargo
Sept. 3 - 9
August 27 - Sept. 2 Itani 2054 1455
August 20 - 26 Itani 2370 1379
August 13 - 19 Serco 1653 1798
August 6 - August 12 Itani 2302 929
July 30 - August 5 Serco 1590 1828
July 24 - July 29 Itani 2083 1436
July 17 - July 23 Serco 1694 2029
July 10 - July 16 Itani 2051 1459
July 3 - July 9 Itani 1766 1637
June 26 - July 2 Itani 2076 1631
June 19-25 Itani 1907 1649
June 12-18 Itani 2251 1475
June 5-11 Serco 1713 2070
March 27 - June 4 Itani 2178 1498
March 20-26 Serco 1580 2131

Border Patrol

This is the place to list any Border Patrol events that you wish to start. List any available info, time, date, which locations, etc.

Mining Expeditions

List any group mining or prospecting expeditions.

Transport Convoys

List any group convoys that others may wish to take part in, or, that are looking for escorts before they depart.

Hive Eradication

List systems/sectors of hive proliferation, that need immediate attention. Know locations of any mining fields, bastions, strongholds of interest.


List of known "active" pirate guilds

  • [BLAK] canceled accounts due to being picked on by griefers.
  • [SYN] Is Lurking
  • [CLM] Is trying to free cargo…

Bounty Hunting

List any player sponsored bounties that you'd like to see collected. Will need a screen dump for varification of successful kill of target.

Vendetta Racing League

List any group races that you are looking to host.

  • IGPK Vendetta Grand Prix - A series of races to be held over consecutive weekends. Pilots will race to set the best time on each track in Sedina.