
Subcommand Description Default Key
[none] Activates various things, including wormholes, in-system jump drive, and docking bays. Enter


Subcommand Description Default Key
[none] Displays a list of /buddy subcommands. [none]
invite <playername> Invites another player to be your buddy [none]
accept <playername> Accepts another player's buddy invite [none]
decline <playername> Declines another player's buddy invite [none]
remove <playername> Removes another player from your buddylist [none]
list Lists all your buddies [none]
online Lists your buddies who are currently online [none]
notify [on|off] Turns notification of a buddy's online status on/off. Note: This does not affect whether said buddy can see your online status. [none]


Subcommand Description Default Key
[none] Displays a list of duel commands when typed out; use it for dueling other players. If you want to see a duel command, check with this command. [none]


Subcommand Description Default Key
[none] Displays a list of guild commands when typed out; use it for player guilds. If you want to see a guild command, check with this command. [none]


Subcommand Description Default Key
[none] Displays a list of group commands when typed out; use it for player groups. If you want to see a group command, check with this command. [none]


Subcommand Description Default Key
[none] Displays a list of mentor commands when typed out; use it for player help. If you want to see a mentor command, check with this command. [none]
invite Asks another player to be your mentor. Use this command if you feel you need help that cannot be given by the game's tutorial or by written documentation. [none]
accept Accepts another player's offer to be your student. Requires you to have been invited by the player. [none]
decline Declines another player's offer to be your student. Requires you to have been invited by the other player [none]
rate [good/bad] Rates your mentor. Usable only after you have gained a license after you acquired your mentor. Only takes "good" or "bad" as input. [none]


Command Description Default Key
quit Brings up the options/quit menu. Does exactly what the descripton says. Escape
logoff Begins the 10 second countdown process for logging off. Same as selecting Logoff from the options menu. [none]

View Commands

Command Description Default Key
+zoom Zooms in. A hold-key. When the key is pressed, +zoom is activated. When it is released, -zoom is activated. i
-zoom Zooms out to normal settings. A hold-key. When the key is pressed, +zoom is activated. When it is released, -zoom is activated. (i)

Speech Commands

Subcommand Description Default key
say Brings up a messaging prompt when bound to a key; otherwise sends sector/mission-chat. Sends text to your sector or to the mission computer, depending on which tab you have activated. t
say_sector Brings up a sector-chat prompt when bound to a key; otherwise sends sector-chat. Sends text to your sector or to the mission computer, depending on which tab you have activated. T
say_channel Brings up a channel-chat prompt when bound to a key; otherwise sends channel-chat. Sends text to your current channel. t
say_group Brings up a group-chat prompt when bound to a key; otherwise sends group-chat. Sends text to your group. g
say_guild Brings up a guild-chat prompt when bound to a key; otherwise sends guild-chat. Sends text to your guild. G
sector Brings up a sector-chat prompt when bound to a key; otherwise sends sector-chat. Alias for say_sector. none
join [channel] Joins specified channel. Valid channel numbers range from 1 to 4294967295. none
leave [channel] Leaves specified channel. Valid channel numbers range from 1 to 4294967295. none


Command Description Default Key
toplist Brings up the user select panel. Use to find players/NPCs that you can target. Targets within 3000m (radar range) will be displayed as brighter than targets outside radar range. u
nav Brings up the navigation interface. n
charinfo Opens the character information screen of your target. If you have no target selected, this command opens your own information screen. k