Dvorak bind
For those using the Dvorak keyboard, playing Vendetta can be tricky. Many keys are laid out according to location (such as the strafe/rotate keys) which means, on a Dvorak keyboard those keys would be scattered across the keyboard. But if you switch to a Qwerty keyboard layout to play Vendetta, typing (i.e. chatting) would be near impossible.
bind "s" MLookToggle bind "x" +zoom bind "e" +StrafeRight bind "a" +StrafeLeft bind "p" +StrafeUp bind "u" +StrafeDown bind "'" +RotateCW bind "." +RotateCCW bind "," +Accelerate bind "o" +Decelerate bind ";" RadarNextFront bind "q" RadarNextFrontEnemy bind "j" RadarNextNearestEnemy bind "k" RadarHitBy bind "y" +TopList bind "-" FlyModeToggle bind "z" Jettison bind "i" toggleinventory bind "M" missionhelp bind "c" CharInfo bind "S" toggleautoaim bind "d" hail
Created by Swithun