
Player VS. Player

1,325 bytes added, 17:52, 17 November 2017
/* Mentors */
= General =
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this guide. What started off as me sharing some general knowledge and my approach to the mechanics of PvP has grown into a wealth of knowledge full of different opinions. This has become an invaluable tool for both the newbie looking to get his feet wet in PvP and the veteran looking to sharpen his skills.
#Thoughts on fighting. -
#Direction and Vision of PvP Combat -
= Etiquette =
Much of the combat in Vendetta Online is done in the spirit of fair competition. While nonconsensual combat is a central and expected part of the game, an atmosphere of respect generally permeates all combat activities. In more tournament oriented battles, it is expected that you will not run once the fighting starts, even if you run out of ammo, and that you will acknowledge a win or a loss by sending a message of "gf" ("good fight") or similar. And as it always has been running can do way more damage than accepting defeat. You are, of course, not required to do either.
The penalty for death is minimal. Making a fuss about dying or killing is silly.
= Choosing Your Weapons =
'''Energy Weapons'''
Some energy weapons such as Gauss, Plasma Devestator and Gatling Turrets Cannons have a wide range of auto-aim, making it easier to hit your target at close range, but their auto-aim can destroy their accuracy at a long range unless you turn it off. Smaller, faster weapons are better when long-range precision and accuracy is required, but they also require more skill in aiming manually.
'''Ordnance Weapons'''
{{SCAR|info=I recommend that new pilots learn to use energy weapons that don't have excessive auto-aim in order to practice their aiming abilities. If you can fight well with a small auto-aim, you can fight decent with a large one, but the reverse is not typically true.}}
== Some Popular Ship+Equipment Layouts Strong and Proven Setups ==#IDF Valkyrie Vigilant + 1 Neutron Blaster MkIII & 2 Sunflares#SkyCommand Prometheus + 1 Auto Gatling Turret & 2 Sunflares#*A light fighter (Itani Border Guardian, Orion Rev C Centurion + 2 Neutron Blaster MkIII , Corvus Vulturius, or Mk II#Itani Border Guardian + 2 Neutron Blaster MkIII or Mk II#Serco Vulture Guardian ) + 2 either:**Two blasters (Typically Neutron Blaster MkIII or Mk IIMkII or Axia Accelerated Positron Blaster)**One blaster and one Sunflare#Any Vulture *IDF Valkyrie Vigilant or Valkyrie X-1 + some combination of blasters and Sunflares.*SkyCommand Prometheus + Gatling Cannon MkII & 2 Gauss CannonsSunflares#*TPG Atlas Type X + Auto Gatling Turret Cannon MkII & Sunflare (Atlas of DOOOOOM!)#*Centaur (preferably Tung variantMkIII or Tunguska Aggresso) + Jackhammer & Sunflare & AGT (if you got bored with proms)Gatling Cannon MkII
Don't be afraid to make your own combos, the possibilities are endless! Well, not really, but there's a lot of them.
{{Pirrentip|info=I recommend that new pilots learn to balance ship weight. I often encounter pilots, running overloaded vessels. Look at ship's thrusts and it's total weight. For example: 11 tonn Prom will be much more lighter on it's feet than 7 tonn Marauder.}}
*CO.Wallis- My personal favorite is the Hornet Mkll with 4x Charged Cannons AKA the Chainsaw Hornet. If you can get close, you are a force to be reckoned with.
= Combat Training Videos =
Currently, there are 3 training videos available to the public. There may be more coming depending on how much free time I have. The following videos deal with some basic topics:
-Dealing With Lightning Mines:
-Flare Dodging:
-The 5th Strafe:
You can find them all hereIt seems the videos have been taken down either by YouTube or the owner. sorry :
= Tactics Techniques =
'''Backrolling''' - Although effective in botting, it is frowned upon for PvP. Backrolling involves holding two strafes, one of them being backwards, and one roll key. This makes you difficult to hit, but keep in mind you won't hit your enemy much either. There are much more effective and creative ways to fight than backrolling. Backrolling is not to be confused with keeping your distance. To be backrolling, one must be locked into a backwards + sidways strafe with a roll.
'''Spamming''' - Not to be confused with simply using missiles. Spamming involves emptying most of the ammo from a missile tube at one target. This is another frowned upon tactic in PvP. Not only is it very annoying, but when facing an experienced pilot it is very ineffective as well. The best use of missiles is through careful aim and timing your shots correctly.
'''Rocket Netting''' - When using rockets, a useful tactic can be to use their proximity detonation to your advantage. Netting involves shooting multiple rockets in ''slightly'' different directions giving your target less escape routes. I emphasize slightly because if done with too much variation, not only will your rockets most likely miss, but you'll make a large target of yourself as well. As with all tacticstechniques, this one takes practice to become efficient.
'''Power Strafe''' - Power strafing can technically be considered any manuver that involves keeping your ship in a strafe at a high velocity. In my opinion, this is easiest to accomplish by turning FA on, forward thrust to 0 and using full thrust on either your port or starboard strafes. It's best to vary your strafes though, as staying in a pure power strafe for very long will make you a target.
*Pay attention to sounds. Often times you can hear a ship that is close to you. That engine noise can be a sign that someone is trying to line up a shot. Also, should you hear incoming fire that doesn't appear to be coming from your target, check your radar to see who is closest to you. If it's apparent that the fire is coming from your wingman, you may continue as normal. If it's not clear who the fire is coming from, assume that it's an enemy and adjust for it.
{{SKV|info=<span style="color: {{{name-color|white}}}; font-size: {{{font-size|100%}}};">Another tactic that I like is to set your incoming ship notification sound to just outside of energy weapons range. I find 650m gives me enough warning to figure out if the incoming ship is friend or foe.</span>}}
*The eyes have it. The best way to keep track of the situation is to keep it in front of you. When fighting multiple opponents, if possible try to keep them in view. This applies doubly if you're flying a vulture or any other ship with a large profile. Though sometimes, with smaller ships such as a centurion, you can get away with (and often it is better) to let the enemy surround you and rely on your agility to keep you alive. Though I can't stress enough, if you take your eyes off of a target carrying rockets, you deserve what's coming to you.
*Coordinate with your wingmen. Be aware of who is doing what and where at all times. If there's more than one of you on a target, try to adjust your flying to make sure that both of you have clear shots. It is very annoying to have a friendly pilot unintentionally intercept shots that were meant for an enemy.
{{SKV|info=<span style="color: {{{name-color|white}}}; font-size: {{{font-size|100%}}};">When piloting a ship with a slim profile such as a vulture, be aware of which of your sides are facing your enemy. If you have someone firing at you from the rear, use the horizontal and vertical lines on your radar to make sure your slim edge is facing them. This will make you a much more difficult target.</span>}}
{{EPtip|info=I tend to find, flying ships with quite a large profile from front (e.g. Valkyrie Vengeance) makes you more proactive during a fight, to dodge as if you have such a large target area.
If you die early, don't get frusturated. Learn from your mistakes and you will get better with practice.
{{SKV|info=<span style="color: {{{name-color|white}}}; font-size: {{{font-size|100%}}};">Have a chat bind set up to call your targets. Time spent typing is time that you could be fighting.</span>}}
{{Pirrentip|info=Participate in Bus wars or declare your own. It boosts your Bus kills level, PKs and moreover gives perfect furball expierence that can be used in future combats.}}
= Etiquette =
Although we all get absorbed sometimes, it's good to remember that this is just a game. There are no Serco, no Itani and no UIT. We're all just gamers playing a game. It's easy to get caught up during battles, but please try to be nice. We're all playing to have fun after all.
== Common PvP Etiquette ==
#Respect your opponent. Kindness comes full circle, so treat others how you would like to be treated.
#After the fight is over, whether you won or lost it is considered a salute to message your opponent: "gf" meaning "good fight" (not girlfriend).
#Hail your target before attacking to give them fair warning.
#If you're going to roleplay, be able to tell the difference between acting in character and being personally offensive. You can RP an offensive character without insulting people on a personal level.
#Do not run from a 1 on 1 fight if you initiated it. This is considered very cowardly and will come at the cost of respect. Running in general is frowned upon. There is very little penalty for dying in Vendetta and it's a lot more fun if everyone stays till the death. You'll be right back in the battle a few moments later.*
#Avoid ganking (double teaming a lone pilot).*
#If you're using all ammo based weapons and you find yourself out of ammo during a 1 on 1, inform your opponent that you are out of ammo and let him decide if he wants the kill.*
#Be humble. Nobody likes an arrogant pilot.
#Don't complain if you die or were killed by an underhanded tactic. The game is called Vendetta, take that to heart. Instead of whining or insulting the person who killed you, keep a lid on it and go make him pay. Nothing is more satisfying.
All that being said, taunting and trash talk is okay provided it's all in good fun. A little bit of trash talk always makes things more interesting. =)
*5,6 and 7 apply only to 1 on 1 fights. In group battles such as Border Patrol or Border Skirmish, ganking becomes a viable tactic. Running is still frowned upon, but may be done with less disgrace than running from a 1 on 1.
= Flight Assist and Autoaim =
Learning to toggle your auto-aim takes a great deal of practice. In close range, the auto-aim is mostly accurate and you're pretty safe to leave it on. When fighting at ranges outside of 250m, you may find your energy weapons are more effective with auto-aim off. The key is to not get frusturated and keep working at it. Eventually, you'll find yourself getting an occasional hit at long range with auto-aim off rather than never hitting at range with auto-aim on.
{{SKV|info=<span style="color: {{{name-color|white}}}; font-size: {{{font-size|100%}}};">Try binding your auto-aim to your mouse wheel or a joystick button that can be pressed quickly. This makes for a quick and easy toggle.</span>}}
{{Pirrentip|info=If you can't hit target when fighting at close or medium ranges try changing autoaim on/off every half burst of fire, then look for shot's path in both modes and notice what damages specific opponent. Sudden shot's trajectory changes made by A/A on/off may surprise and damage even expierenced opponent.}}
It is easier to dodge and aim ROCKETS with FA turned off.
{{SKV|info=<span style="color: {{{name-color|white}}}; font-size: {{{font-size|100%}}};">Mix up your styles and don't get stuck in a pattern. FA on or FA off, flying in a pattern will still get you hit. Like the auto-aim toggle, try setting your FA toggle to your mousewheel (you can wheel in one direction for FA and the other for auto-aim) or a joystick button that can be pressed quickly. Play around with it and see what you like.</span>}}
= Other General Combat Tips =
#If you're really interested in learning PvP, find a mentor to spar with. And not just any random mentor, people will do anything just for a mentor point. Ask around and find out who's good at PvP and try talking to them about practicing. If you're going to practice PvP, you're going to want it to be with someone who is much more experienced than you. You'll learn much quicker this way. And again, refer to #4 above.
{| border="1" class="wikitable"! CO.Wallis:|-| Tip: If you cant find someone online willing to fight you for pews so you can improve your skills there is many missions that can substitute for this which I recommend. The [[Border Patrol]] mission is a mission that can only be taken if you are either part of the Serco army or Itani (yes UIT can take this...just join a side) This mission is amazing training for fast maneuvering at high speeds and dealing with multiple ships at once. It pushes you to your limit and I promise when you are done you wont be disappointed. The Gauntlet can be taken by anyone anywhere and is the next best thing to pvp. It sets you up against many npc ships (all fast ships) and is also a great way to get a feel for pvping. The Test Pilot Missions are ones that can be taken by UIT and Itani players (Serco have to take the tpg test pilot one) they pit you against many enemies. In my opinion this isn't as good as The Gauntlet and Border Patrol missions due to the fact that you encounter bots mostly, but still effective for training purpouses. Hope this helps anyone eager to get better at pvp.|} {{SKV|info=<span style="color: {{{name-color|white}}}; font-size: {{{font-size|100%}}};">Having trouble hitting your target? Try aiming using your strafes. For practice, target an asteroid or stationary object and work on getting a good shot using only strafes and rolls, don't turn your ship at all. With practice, you can be much more precise using your strafes to aim and turning only for minor corrections. This decreases your chances of overcompensating in your aim and leaving yourself wide open for a shot.</span>}}
== Does Anyone Fight With Mouselook On? ==
The following players are experienced PvPers and have expressed an interest in mentoring players:
*Chaakin Tockoa(not active)*spidey(not active)*Maalik, &c.(not active)*Estrian Prosis(not active)*Mr. Chaos(not active)*Strat(not active)*yoda*Atice(not active)
*Shape (not active)
*Spellcast (not active)
*Borb Sarken (not active)
That's just a few. There are other good pvpers who I haven't listed because they haven't expressed a desire to mentor that I know of. Ask around on channel 100 for people who are experienced at pvp. Remember, you don't want to get taught by any old sap who just wants to use you for your mentor point. The pvpers on this list are all veterans and are usually willing to teach you a thing or two. You can look for me online as well if you like. I'm always more than happy to mentor new pilots. You can find me in-game as Ghost.