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Energy Weapons

Weapon Damage Velocity Energy Delay Grid Mass Port Level Autoaim DPE DPS EPS
Charged Cannon 400-2000 190 60 ? 4 400 S 2/3/-/-/- Okay ? ? ?
Flechette Cannon 250 190 6.5 0.09 4 500 S 3/5/-/-/- Little 38.46 2777.78 72.22
Flechette Cannon MkII 280 200 6 0.088 4 500 S 4/5/-/-/- Little 46.67 3181.82 68.18
Gatling Cannon 300 180 8 0.075 4 800 L 1/-/5/-/- Little 37.5 4000 106.67
Gatling Cannon MkII 400 180 12 0.1 4 2000 L 5/-/5/-/- Excellent 33.33 4000 120
Gatling Cannon MkIII, Hive Queen 415 180 12 0.1 4 2000 L Drop Excellent 35 4150 120
Gauss Cannon 1200 180 40 0.5 4 1000 S 5/4/4/-/- Very Good 30 2400 80
Gauss Cannon MkII 1100 190 30 0.4 4 1000 S/T 6/6/5/-/- Very Good 36.67 2750 75
Gauss Cannon MkIII 1200 195 30 0.4 8 1000 S 7/7/6/-/- Very Good 40.00 3000 75
Ion Blaster 350 150 10 0.15 4 100 S -/1/-/-/- Okay 35 2333.33 66.67
Ion Blaster MkII 370 155 9.8 0.14 4 100 S 1/1/-/-/- Okay 37.76 2642.86 70
Ion Blaster MkIII 380 160 9.8 0.14 4 100 S 1/2/-/-/- Okay 38.78 2714.29 70
Ion Blaster, Ineubis Raven 500 195 10 0.16 8 280 S 4/8/-/-/- Okay 50.00 3125 62.5
Ion Blaster, Hive 150 110 10 0.15 4 100 S Drop Okay 15.00 1000 66.67
Neutron Blaster 600 190 12 0.15 4 600 S 3/3/-/-/- Good 50 4000 80
Neutron Blaster MkII 600 195 11 0.14 4 600 S 4/4/-/-/- Good 54.55 4285.71 78.57
Neutron Blaster MkIII 600 205 14 0.14 4 400 S/T 4/4/-/-/- Good 42.86 4285.71 100
Neutron Blaster, Law Enforcement 635 208 14 0.13 4 400 S Drop Good 45.36 4884.61 107.69
Corvus Widowmaker 800 215 16 0.14 18 400 S Mission Good 50.00 5714.29 114.29
Corvus Ultra Positron Blaster 1000 195 12 0.3 18 500 S 8/8/-/-/- Good 83.33 3333.33 40
Phase Blaster 350 170 8 0.2 4 100 S 1/2/-/-/- Okay 43.75 1750 40
Phase Blaster MkII 380 175 7.5 0.2 4 100 S 1/2/-/-/- Okay 50.67 1900 37.5
Phase Blaster, Orion XGX 400 180 7.2 0.2 4 150 S 1/2/-/-/- Okay 55.56 2000 36
Phase Blaster, TPG Sparrow 420 172 7.3 0.2 4 150 S 1/2/-/-/- Okay 57.53 2100 36.5
Plasma Cannon MkII 540 140 12 0.26 4 100 S -/-/-/-/- Okay 45 2076.92 46.15
Plasma Cannon MkIII 550 140 12 0.25 4 300 S -/1/-/-/- Okay 45.83 2200 48
Plasma Cannon HX 550 160 8 0.2 4 300 S 1/1/-/-/- Okay 68.75 2750 40
Plasma Eliminator 1000 170 60 0.4 4 1400 L -/-/1/-/- Good 16.67 2500 150
Plasma Eliminator MkII 1200 175 60 0.4 4 1400 L -/-/2/-/- Good 20 3000 150
Plasma Devastator 1450 180 50 0.4 4 1200 L -/-/3/-/- Good 29 3625 125
Plasma Devastator MkII 1600 200 60 0.4 4 1200 L -/-/4/-/- Good 26.67 4000 150
Plasma Annihilator 1800 205 70 0.5 8 1400 L -/-/7/-/-
Good 25.71 3600 140
Positron Blaster 800 190 18 0.25 4 500 S 5/4/-/-/- Okay 44.44 3200 72
Positron Blaster, Axia Accelerated 800 210 17 0.21 4 500 S 5/4/-/-/- Good 47.06 3809.52 80.95
Positron Blaster, Hive 800 210 16 0.21 4 400 S Drop Very Good 50.00 3809.52 76.19
Positron Blaster, Mega 1200 205 18 0.25 4 500 L 2/-/2/-/-
Okay 66.67 4800 72
Training Blaster 250 145 10 0.15 4 100 S -/-/-/-/- Okay 25 1666.67 66.67
Training Drone Blaster 1 110 10 0.15 4 100 S Drop Okay 0.1 6.67 66.67
Valent Neutron Accelerator 600 200 14 0.14 4 400 S Mission Good 42.86 4286 100


  • DPE: Damage Per Energy, how much damage is done for every 1 energy used, to hundredths place. Efficiency of the weapon.
  • DPS: Damage Per Second.
  • EPS: Energy Per Second.
  • Charged Cannon: Energy shows charge rate per second- Requires at least one energy to fire.
  • Drop: These weapons cannot be bought, but are sometimes dropped by bots.
  • Mission: These weapons cannot be bought, but are awarded from a mission.

Conventional Weapons

Weapon Damage Velocity Energy Delay Grid Mass Port Level Splash Detonation Ammo Fuel Ammo Cost
Homing Missile, Firefly 1200 95 0 1.5 4 400 S -/-/3/-/- 25 Contact 12 20s 25
Homing Missile, Gemini 950 80 0 1.5 4 400 S -/4/-/-/- 25 Prox. (10m) 18 20s 20
Homing Missile, Stingray 2800 95 0 1.5 4 400 L -/-/-/-/- 40 Contact 14 20s 25
Mine, Concussion 0 0 0 2 4 1200 L 5/-/5/7/- 200 Prox. (70m) 6 900s 60
Mine, BioCom Miniature Teller-Ulam 15000 0 500 2 4 15000 L Manufacturable 550 Prox. (120m) 2 14400s 500000
Mine, Proximity 2500 0 0 2 4 1500 L 5/-/4/6/- 80 Prox. (70m) 10 900s 80
Mine, Lightning 1800/s 0 0 2 4 2400 L 8/-/7/9/- 100 Contact 4 900s ?
Missile, Yellowjacket 1800 85 0 1.5 4 400 S -/-1/-/- 30 Contact 8 12s 20
Rocket, Iceflare 800 75 0 1 4 400 S 4/5/2/-/- 60 Prox. (30m) 16 n/a 20
Rocket, Starflare 1000 75 0 1 4 600 S 5/5/-/-/- 60 Prox. (30m) 14 n/a 30
Rocket, Sunflare 1500 85 0 1 4 1000 S 8/5/8/-/- 60 Prox. (30m) 12 n/a ?
Flare, Seeker 100(?) 120 0 1.5 4 1000 S Drop 50 Prox. (100m) 18 N.R N.R
Concussion, Xang Xi Self-Propelled 1 85 0 1.5 4 1500 S Mission 150 Prox. (60m) 8 n/a ?
Rocket, Jackhammer 2000 90 0 0.5 4 1200 L -/-/4/-/- 60 Prox. (30m) 12 n/a 40
Rocket, Screamer 3000 95 0 0.7 4 1200 L 3/-/5/-/- 35 Prox. (20m) 16 n/a 40
Rocket, Avalon 15000 35 60 2.0 4 1600 L Hive Drop 245 Prox. (10m) 4 n/a 5000
Rail Gun 1400 400 110 1.6 4 800 S 4/5/-/-/- 0 Contact 30 n/a 5
Rail Gun MkII 1400 400 90 1.6 4 800 S 0 Contact 30 n/a 5
Rail Gun MkIII 1800 400 80 1.6 4 1000 S 0 Contact 15 n/a 5
Rail Gun Advanced 2500 480 100 1.7 4 1500 S 0 Contact 10 n/a ?
Concussion Rail Gun 1400 400 0 2 9 2000 L Mission 0 Contact 10 ? ?
Swarm Missile, Locust 750 75 0 1.5 4 2500 L -/-/6/-/- 25 Prox. (15m) 40 25s 30
Swarm Missile, Chaos 850 80 0 1.5 4 2500 L -/-/7/-/- 30 Prox. (20m) 40 25s 35


  • Concussion Mine: Does no damage, the damage is the force it creates when detonated.
  • Lightning Mine: Fires at nearby targets. (100m)