

304 bytes added, 00:01, 12 October 2006
Moved clients around a bit
**[ X-Chat] Free compiled version of X-Chat for Windows.
**[ mIRC] The king of windows IRC clients.
**[ X-Chat]**[ BitchX]Text-based client.**[ IrssiKonversation], Powerful Qt IRC client that runs in the console.
**[ X-Chat Aqua], good Good IRC client based off of X-Chat but lacks some features.**[ MacIrssi], a A good IRC client that doesn't have as many features as X-Chat Aqua. Basically a GUI for IRSSI.** [ Colloquy], a A native Aqua IRC client that integrates well into OS X and offers a rich featureset.
**[ Conversation]
**[ Adium] Mac port of Gaim (see below).
**[ ChatZilla], an IRC extension for Firefox.**[ Irssi] IRC client that runs in the console.**[ Gaim] MSN/AIM/Yahoo/ICQ/.../IRC client that uses GTK, but also has a text-only front end.**[ X-Chat] Easy to use graphical IRC client.
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