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This site is a growing source of information for the players of Vendetta Online. Here you will find guides, a FAQ, and other information that will be updated as the game is. Check out the Wikipedia Vendetta Online entry. Also, take a look at the Vendetta Online Design Wiki, this is where the devs put their plans for the future of Vendetta.
If you want to edit pages all you have to do is create an account. The syntax can be found here. Please feel free to fix grammar, spelling, and incorrect information. Also, check out the "What can I do" page to see what is going on that needs to be done.

Documentation On Vendetta Online

General Information - This is where you can find all the general information about Vendetta Online, like how the HUD works, Frequently Asked Questions, and the rules of the games.

Ingame Databases - These databases are filled with all the information you'll need to become familiar with all the ships, bots, badges and systems of the game.

Guides - These guides have been writen by players just like you to help you in-game. They cover many things, including Racing, Mining, Trading, Playing a Medic, Playing as a Pirate, Setting up and running a Guild, CTC, Dueling, Custom Binds, Roleplaying, and Custom NavRoutes.

Credits - You know, who did what around here.

Editors - If you're an editor, please head on over to main editors page.

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