
Variable zoom bind

148 bytes added, 01:24, 24 May 2014
bind update to fit the new command.
This "code" is deprecated since vzoom handle everything in the lua script.
Only the Bind command might be usefull (?)
alias zoom13 "set fov .3854; alias zoomOut zoom12; alias zoomIn zoom13"
! Description
| zoomIn vzoom_in
| Zooms in (bind to '''MWHEELUP''' for scrollwheel behavior)
| zoomOutvzoom_out
| Zooms out (bind to '''MWHEELDOWN''' for scrollwheel behavior)
| zoomMinvzoom_reset
| Restores default zoom (bind to '''MMBUTTON''' for scrollwheel behavior)
Created by Eldrad. Enhanced by Roguelazer.