XangXi Trade Goods

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Xang Xi TradeGoods Ores Weapon Components Creature Comforts Industrial Goods Production Goods Ship Components
Epsilon Hold
Aquean Ore
Carbonic Ore
Ferric Ore
Precious Metals
Silicate Ore
VanAzek Ore
- none - - none - Inert Chemicals - none - - none -
Daltas Hold
Aquean Ore
Carbonic Ore
Ferric Ore
Ishik Ore
Silicate Ore
VanAzek Ore
Xithricite Ore
- none - - none - - none - - none - - none -
Sedina II Orbital
Aquean Ore
Carbonic Ore
Ferric Ore
Ishik Ore
Precious Metals
Silicate Ore
VanAzek Ore
Cooling Systems Consumer Electronics
Purified Water
Volatile Chemicals NanoFeed - none -
Ukari Outpost
Aquean Ore
Carbonic Ore
Ferric Ore
Ishik Ore
Silicate Ore
VanAzek Ore
- none - Consumer Electronics Volatile Chemicals - none - - none -
All info. comes from Vendetta Trade Goods Database, info is subject to change.