API msgdlgtemplate1a

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msgdlgtemplate1a(string msg, size, posx, posy, userdata control, string bgcolor) -> userdata dialog
Create a dialog and optionally disable input to the background except to the given control. Note: if a control is given display the dialog with :show_all() if not use ShowDialog or :show()
msg dialog message
size iup size of dialog
posx iup horizontal position
posy iup vertical position
control control to unmask
bgcolor iup background color
dialog message dialog
Note: The dialogs in both examples can't be closed without some extra work <source lang="lua"> -- with unmasked control -- run from station menu local d = msgdlgtemplate1aNext("bla", "200x200", 10, 10, StationLaunchButton) d:show_all() </source> <source lang="lua"> -- without unmasked control local d = msgdlgtemplate1aNext("bla", "200x200", 10, 10) ShowDialog(d) </source>