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System Notes public table. Used for adding notes to the navmap.

Example1 <source lang="lua"> SystemNotes = { [system_id1] = {name='system name note',

               [id1]='sector id1 note',
               [id2]='sector id2 note', ....},

[system_id2] = {name='system name note',

               [id3]='sector id1 note',
               [id4]='sector id2 note', ....},

[system_id3] = {name='system name note',

               [id5]='sector id1 note',
               [id6]='sector id2 note', ....},

} </source>

Example2 <source lang="lua"> SystemNotes[systemid].name -- the notes for system names. SystemNotes[systemid][sectorid] -- the notes for sectors. -- or -- SystemNotes[systemid].error -- any errors found during loading will show up here. --also on the list matrix with a (*) and the error count in red. -- .error will override .name and [id] </source>