This is the API to VO's thread functionality. Threads are actually coroutines and VO wraps this API around them. <source lang="lua"> Thread.Create(threadfunc, ...) -- returns threadhandle or nil,err Thread.SendMessage(threadhandle, messageid, argumenttable) -- returns coroutine.resume error if any Thread.WaitForSingleMessage(threadhandle, messageid) -- returns arguementtable Thread.WaitForMultipleMessages(threadhandle, {messageid,messagename,messagename,...}) -- returns messageid, argumenttable Thread.WaitForAnyMessage(threadhandle) -- returns messageid, argumenttable Thread.PeekMessage(threadhandle, removemsg) -- returns nil if no message in mailbox or messageid, argumenttable and if removemsg is true, remove the message Thread.WaitForCondition(cond) -- returns nothing Thread.SignalCondition(cond) -- returns nothing </source> Basic samples of how to use these functions: <source lang="lua"> local SomeMessageID1 = "SomeMessageName" local SomeMessageID2 = 10
function threadfunc(mythreadhandle, ...)
local threadarg1 = arg[1] local threadarg2 = arg[2]
local msg,msgargs = Thread.WaitForMultipleMessages(mythreadhandle, {SomeMessageID1, SomeMessageID2}) if msg == SomeMessageID1 then -- do stuff elseif msg == SomeMessageID2 then -- do other stuff end
somethread = Thread.Create(threadfunc, threadarg1, threadarg2) Thread.SendMessage(somethread, SomeMessageID1, "stuff") </source>
Messages are queued in the thread's mailbox if the thread isn't waiting for that particular message and the Wait functions will automatically return if called to wait for a queued message.