

3,014 bytes added, 04:15, 31 March 2008
/* Character Information: */
===Character Info===
* '''Name:''' LeberMac
* '''Rank:''' Currently deceased...Rank -n- file Pirate
* '''Faction:''' Itani
* '''Home:''' Currently split between Latos Mining, Latos N-2 & the Makchuga Bar, Odia M-14. ''After a night of screwing around in grayspace, it's easy to find LeberMac can be found passed out clutching his trademark tequila bottle in a vacant air duct or quiet storage locker somewhere within the walls of Corvus Hold, or possibly in his new home of Latos N-2, where Mining. Occasionally he even can purchase his Rev Cbe sighted in Itani space, if there'sa good war going on... ''
* '''Ship:''' Orion Rev C or IBG Centurion with light weapons, or possibly the Lumbering LeberTaurâ„¢, a heavy ship used for training. ''Usually pilots a Centurion when he means business, but has been sighted in many different ship loadouts and configurations.''
* '''Weapons:''' Gauss, Neuts, Phase Blasters, AGTs on heavy ships. ''LeberMac shows disdain for the use of missiles, rockets, or rails, mainly because since his aim is poor, he tends to go thru ammo quickly.''
* '''Email:''' [ LeberMac]
*'''Alts:''' None. ''LeberMac is too lazy to make and level up alts that are of any use. During a brief and unfortunate period in his life, he was known as Lexicon''
*'''Real/Full Name:''' Forgotten due to long-term memory loss, which is not uncommon among his people, if he could remember where his people were.
*'''Affiliated Guild:''' noneThe Cargo Liberation Movement [CLM] [ Website]
*'''Nation:''' Itani
*'''Age:''' 40something30something
*'''Height:''' 6'2"
*'''Weight:''' 230 lbs
The tequila was far superior to anything brewed up by this galaxy's automated bartenders, and he soon began to develop a fondness for the liquor. Emboldened by the tequila, LeberMac began to fight duels in Sedina B-8, to go up against Serco SkyCommand Prometheus pilots in his Centurion, and to, strangely, improve as a combat pilot.
Soon, due to a bureaucratic error, he was promoted to Councilmember in the Itani Alliance. He was a relatively common pilot to see in grayspace until his troubles began, sometimes racing, sometimes defending traders, and sometimes taking the fight to the Serco. However, like most organizations, he was promoted again to his level of incompetence to Lieutenant. After his poor handling of the Mogul Velaio investigation& the subsequent death of Mogul, he was demoted from Lieutenant of the Coalition of Itan, and was quickly expelled by the opportunistic commander.
After his dishonorable discharge from [ITAN], he joined up with The Guild of Free Traders [TGFT]. It was quickly apparent that he was not up for a life of trading, and after several incidents, he was let go. However, he was hounded by Obsidian, whose Collector's Edition pink Axia Wraith he had accidentally crushed whilst on a tequila-fueled docking attempt.
Hiding out from two major guilds, he holed up in Pelatus Bunker, living like a rat, until at last the station managers got wise and irradiated the entire deck he was camped out on. LeberMac sought out refuge inside a clone's shipping capsule, but apparently died in the process and was reborn into the annoying Serco Evangelist known as "Lexicon."
===Licenses===*Combat License '''0'''*Heavy Weapons '''0'''*Light Weapons '''0'''*Trading License '''0'''*Mining License '''0'''During this period, he was controlled by a group of Serco generals via the remnants of the Neural Spike implant. Using various methods of brainwashing and suggestion, Lexicon was used as a tool on the front lines of the war, preaching the gospel of the imagined Lady Serco. Lacking in support from the main body of Serco for some reason, he thought he had found salvation in the mind of a young Itani child. This child could move multitudes of ships with her mind, so Lexicon kidnapped her, merged her neural DNA with his own, and found he was able to control ships in much the same way. Before he could fully harness his new powers, he was struck down repeatedly by a combined force of the CDC, SSC, SKV and ITAN guilds in Geira Watch.
Before Lexicon could respawn for the last time, the respawning chamber was saturated with tequila and, in a freak cloning accident which destroyed the respawning device, Lexicon and LeberMac BOTH respawned at the same station. In the resulting duel to the death, LeberMac killed Lexicon and ended this sad chapter in Vendetta History, none too soon for some people's tastes. Soon thereafter, LeberMac was admitted back into [ITAN] for the new year 4435, and through the application of funds gained through questionable means, was able to buy his way into a Lieutenant position.  In a personal mission, LeberMac was last spotted going after the infamous Dr. Lecter (who had the last reserves of blue agave DNA) as that criminal vanished off into The Void. Sadly, LeberMac's food and liquor reserves did not hold out for the extended trip, and he had to return to the galaxy to pursue other interests. He held a brief position back in his old [ITAN] guild, but soon was tempted to join a new guild, [FEAR], in order to help their cause. Shortly after he joined, [FEAR] disbanded in disarray. Whether this can be blamed on LeberMac is a question Itani politicians will be debating for years to come. Guildless, LeberMac briefly rejoined [ITAN] for the fifth time and immediately took vacation time for a long vacation away in Pelatus. After consuming a bad batch of tequila, and perhaps being blown up too often and not QUITE being respawned in the correct fashion, LeberMac broke from his loyalist (more or less) Itani ways and has now joined the Cargo Liberation Movement. Some say he joined because of the free tequila in HQ. Some say he joined to get close to his nemesis, Quirc Taranis. Still others say that he is drawn to Mystic Rogue's massive... leadership qualities. Whatever the reasons, LeberMac has turned to a life of piracy, tanked his standings, and the spacelanes will definitely never be the same. If current events show anything, trade has actually INCREASED in grayspace after LeberMac's involvement with the notorious band of space pirates known as [CLM]. Is it his sloppy piloting and reckless behavior that is making things easier for [TGFT] and their ilk, or is there a more sinister explanation for his motives? Is LeberMac the future-day equivalent of Keyser Söze? ===StatisticsPlayer Stats===*Player Kills: '''0'''*Bot Kills[http: '''0'''// Official Vendetta Stats]*Missions: '''0'''*Total Deaths[http: '''0'''*Mentor Points: '''0'''*Hive Queen Kills: '''0'''*// Duel Rating: '''0'''Stats]