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== This is Vendetta version ==
This page hosts the ChangeLogs for Vendetta Online, chronicling its evolution from release through present day.
==[[ChangeLog/1.8]] (Current)==
The 1.8 series opened with the complete removal of [[DELIVERATOR]] and its replacement by [[KOURIER]]. With this new infrastructure in place, many new missions were released, and large-scale combat was revamped with Border Skirmish and Hive changes. Other notable changes include the partial opening of the game's LUA scripting interface and the release and/or incorporation of many user-created interface plugins. Graphically, the game got a major boost with the "Super High" background rendering mode, detail textures, and translucent ice. Next, the developers partnered with TeamSpeak to add a long-requested feature to Vendetta Online: voice chat. In a short period, the developers introduced several other long-awaited features: multi-player ships and dynamically conquerable territory. The next year or so of the 1.8 series was spent on the Android release, which brought a much-needed influx of fresh blood. Once that was out the door, Guild brought out two of the longest-awaited features of all: giant stations (>25km across) and user-pilotable capital ships. After a brief interlude on a failed [http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/guild/vendetta-online/ kickstarter campaign], Guild released VO for two more platforms (iPad and Ouya). In 2015, the rendering engine gained the ability to do modern (circa 2004), shader-based dynamic lighting and shadows
Changes from
* Re-introduced race tracks in Sedina B5, D5, E5, F5, G5, & H5
The 1.7 series made the new station interface, which had been first introduced in 1.6, the default interface for all characters. This series also brought many new missions to the game, with a new in-game mission interface and the introduction of the [[Player Contribution Corps]], a group of players who are given access to the mission editor. Also new in this release series was a replacement for the venerable [[Wraith]], the new [[Revenant]]. Finally. the 1.7 series also introduced some oft-requested features like shields for capital ships and repair costs which varied depending on amount of damage to repair and distance from a station that sold the required parts.
* Fixed more capital ship bugs:
** Turret fire no longer hits the turret itself while the ship is moving
** Docking bay activation now has priority over wormhole activation
** Fixed turret view getting stuck just after warp
** Fixed launch velocity/direction when undocking
** Storm exit point is properly generated when you undock
* Other capital ship changes:
** Hailing a capital ship will now stop it for 30 seconds so you can dock to it (if you have permission to do so)
** The "distance" bar at the bottom of the HUD now shows the capital ship's health while controlling a turret
** Firing arc of turret increased to 150 degrees
** If you're unable to take control of a turret, a more descriptive reason is given
** The "bar" inside the ship is now the "ready room"
** Players are now kicked out of the ship if they lose enough faction by shooting people with the turret
** Joystick control works differently (relative instead of absolute) and keyboard control has been added
== This is Vendetta version ==
Vendetta 1.6 introduced the PDA and the current station interface. This series also changed the look of the game quite a bit by changing the way lighting is done to be more realistic. Many players feel that this change resulted in a darker, moodier atmosphere.
Changes from 1.2.3:
* Fixed several capital ship related bugs:
Version 1.5 introduced the new client to the game, along with the first major revamp of the station interface since alpha version 3.2.0. Many other new features were also added in this series, such as the [[TPG Raptor]], [[Teradon]] and the [[EC-89]].
** Parts of your HUD disappeared after you had been a turret
** If you logged out and in again, you could spawn inside the body of the capital ship
** There were various ways of getting stuck in the loading screen (or nav menu) during capital ship warps
** The capital ship would sometimes erroneously take damage while warping out, and explode instantly after arriving on the other side of the warp
* Fixed rendering bug when viewing valkyries/marauders/etc in the station
== This is Vendetta version 1.2.3. ==
This period saw the release of the game and the addition of many features that are now taken for granted, such as mining, the intergalactic news system, and the [[Behemoth]].
Changes from
* Players may now dock to the Serco capital ship and man its turrets.
* Fixed error in mouse-look ship facing indicator direction
* Ship select menu shows ships in the local station first in the list
* Ship select menu can be cancelled
== This is Vendetta version ==
[[Category:General Information]]
Changes from
* Made updater show progress bar during patching
* Also made updater patching much more efficient when updating from old versions
* Fixed server bug that caused dueling to not work properly
* Minor faction NPCs use their nation to determine whether they are green/red on radar
* Fixed navroute bug
* Trader NPCs don't have combat licenses
* Players who get KOS by shooting in the no-fire-zone cannot gain faction
* Fixed trader NPCs so they know where they are going as soon as they enter the sector
== This is Vendetta version ==
Changes from 1.2.2:
* fix client crash when no sound was available
* clicking on items in the cargo list now highlights the correct item
* fixed confusing nav computer behavior when plotting courses with shift-click after travelling through a wormhole.
== This is Vendetta version 1.2.2 ==
Changes from
* Fixed 3D positional sounds
* Fixed problem with sector not shutting down
* Fixed some typos in some missions and char info
* /navroute list is fixed in Linux and Mac OS
* Added VSync and Texture Compression (for hardware that supports it) video options to Mac version
* Fixed ion storm effect
* Screen flashes blue instead of red when player gets hit with a repair gun
* Fixed Strike Force ships
* Fixed trader NPCs
* NPCs now have actual license levels
* Ship Cargo station menu is now alphabetically sorted
* Changed proximity rockets to counteract rocket-ramming. They do not explode immediately now.
* Prometheus and Valkyrie ship changes
== This is Vendetta version ==
Changes from 1.2.1:
* Fixed a few crashing bugs
* Optimized the positional sound system a little bit
== This is Vendetta version 1.2.1 ==
Changes from
* Radar blips are properly sized
* Fixed some client crashes
* Fixed trader NPCs
* Fixed bug with not being able to turn off shaders in MacOS
* Sell list in station updates when prices change
* Fixed mining tutorial
* Fixed miscolored glow effect in OpenGL mode
* Added numeric keypad support in Linux
* New /duel rating command shows your duel rating, other players' duel ratings, and the number of points you stand to gain or lose by dueling that player.
* Revised duel drawing rules - if you kill one another within a five-second window, it is a draw
* /duel abort does not record the duel nor modify any ratings; outside interference from a third party also results in an abort
* Duel ratings are visibile in the character info panel
* Fixed problem with Behemoth ship scraping or getting stuck in launch bays
* Mac fullscreen fix when clicking along the top of the screen
* Many weapon changes
* Prometheus and Centurion changes
* Fixed problem with not being able to lose faction by killing trader NPCs
* Zoom button in nav menu properly underlines the Z shortcut key
== This is Vendetta version ==
Changes from
* Fixed two trade mission bugs
* Fixed trader NPCs deciding to patrol instead of trade
* Fixed bug with trying to buy more than 100 items in station
* Fixed crash when trying to sell last item in the sell list in station
* DirectX ps_hack point sprite flag is always on now to fix random crashes
* Added Behemoth icon
* Dropping cargo with the Behemoth doesn't cause the cargo to drop inside the ship object
* Fixed Undo button not hiding when chat window is maximized in nav interface
* Undo button is disabled when it can't undo any further
* Fixed noisy tab buttons in chat interface
== This is Vendetta version ==
Changes from 1.2.0:
* Fixed annoying nav computer bug
== This is Vendetta version 1.2.0 ==
Changes from
* Trade mission timer updates properly
* Jettison menu autoupdates while mining
* /navroute undo  - undoes last add
* /navroute list  - lists names of saved navroutes
* More /navroute commands echo results
* Fixed crash on Mac when compressed textures are used
* Mining tutorial available in mining stations
* Navroutes are saved in ./navroutes directory with .navroute as an extension
* /togglenetgraph for visualization of network traffic
* Don't penalize players if they kill someone by ramming. Fixes a problem with people killing themselves on other people.
* Fixed typo in spy mission
* Ships get double damaged by own missiles. Used to deter rocket ramming.
* New 'Behemoth' ship available with 0/0/0/8/4 license
* Fixed a bug where npcs stop shooting after 24 days of uptime
* Fixed problem with automated station update stealing focus from the chat window when the cargo or ship tabs are open
* New duel stats ranking - details will be forthcoming on the website
* Minor changes to light ships
== This is Vendetta version ==
Changes from 1.1.9:
* Recompiled the OS X client from scratch; 1.1.9 had some very odd issues that this solved.
== This is Vendetta version 1.1.9 ==
Changes from
* Made Corvus name color grey instead of black
* Trade missions have an on-screen mission timer
* Mining bots properly stop mining when they die
* Hive queen cannot be damaged by jump-ramming it
* /navroute command to load/save nav routes
* Procurement missions reimburse players as they deliver partial shipments
* Wraith updates are actually in this update
* Renamed Centaur Agresso to Tunguska Centaur Agresso
* Alt-Enter for Linux to switch between window and fullscren modes (warning: may abort the client if done during texture loads from XFree86 "BadMatch" errors)
* Station Sell Menu stays scrolled to area where selected item was and selects the next item in the list
* Network bug fixed
* Faction-penalty warning is displayed in color on the lower-middle of the HUD
== This is Vendetta version ==
Changes from
* Updated Wraith
== This is Vendetta version ==
Changes from
* Faction hit warning is flashed on the HUD instead of the General chat tab
* Selection box of non-players is grey now
* When someone shoots you, they become a red blip on your radar until you or they leave the sector
* Fixed some possible exploits and bugs with new trade mission
* Changed some ship stats; see website news for details
== This is Vendetta version ==
Changes from
Balancing release; see website news for details.
== This is Vendetta version ==
Changes from
* Fixed several problems with Trade Guild mission; it is now available again
* Updated some item descriptions and fixed a missing icon
* Added video memory size error checking for antialiasing in DirectX 9
* Channel 201 and 202 convoy destruction notifications fixed.
== This is Vendetta version ==
Changes from 1.1.8:
* Fixed a client crash
== This is Vendetta version 1.1.8 ==
Changes from 1.1.7:
* Mining bots mine asteroids closer to the center of the sector so they are easier to find
* Increased rewards of prospecting mission
* New trade mission available for testing
* Added accomplishment for killing/damaging 10 queens
* Guild commanders can vote out a lientenant.
* Bots use new path-finding system (not perfect, but an improvement over no path planning whatsoever)
* Added hyphen in sector names in log menu and elsewhere
* Junkyard mission requires slightly fewer crates now
* Fixed MacOS X bug when going from fullscreen to window mode of a different resolution
* Worked around Linux X.org XF86VidModeExtension problem when windowmode=1
* Queens give XP now
* Fixed some typos
* Waste handling bot mission (spy 2 mission) has 30 minute timeout again
* Balanced some ship and weapon stats
== This is Vendetta version 1.1.7 ==
Changes from 1.1.6:
* Spy missions weren't saying when the mission failed for every possibility
* Fixed some typos
* Fixed cargo rounds so they properly end every week
* Junkyard mission now requests fewer items, and gives a reward when completed
* All bots correctly drop scrap now
* Fixed lightning mine crashing bug
* Fixed crashes when too many waypoints are created in nav menu
* Fixed broken repair modules
* Christmas present reverted to normal widget crate
* Modified ship order of Ship Buy Menu
* Added more ship descriptions
* Mining bots show the way to Queens
== This is Vendetta version ==
Changes from
* Shift-clicking waypoints on the nav menu works for Linux and MacOS X.  The temporary space-click workaround has been removed.
* Guild commanders can set a MOTD (Message Of The Day) for their guild.
* Fixed word-wrapping bug in the ship buy menu with Centurions in 800x600 resolution
* DirectX 9 beta driver for Windows. Use at your own risk. You can change to it in Options->Video->Change Driver...
* No longer awarded bus kills when you kill bots
* Lowered standing requirements for Marauder Miner ship
== This is Vendetta version ==
Changes from 1.1.6:
* Fixed station crash when you clicked on the sell tab
* Fixed dynamic linker issue for MacOS 10.2.x
* You can now hold down space and click on sectors in the navigation map to add waypoints (shift-clicking doesn't work in Linux and MacOS yet)
== This is Vendetta version 1.1.6. ==
Changes from 1.1.5:
* Fixed bug with 2D target box around mines
* Ship names in Ship Select Menu no longer word wrap
* Can't place bounties on players anymore
* Trader NPCs properly tell you what they are transporting and they don't always transport Van Azek ore after they die
* Changed ship flight model slightly
* Tweaked ship engine characteristics of different ships
* Added 2 new ships: a warthog and a marauder.
* Character Info Menu is split into 2 columns and clicking on a medal shows its description along the bottom
* Fixed trader NPCs and CTC bots so they don't get lost and disappear
* Dropped skill requirements for license levels 1-3
* Normal bots shouldn't appear in tutorial sectors anymore
* Nav menu now allows multiple waypoints to be defined using shift+left mouse button. Up to 100 points can be defined.
* Fixed bug which allowed more than 8 players to join a group
* Fixed some exploits in group adv. combat mission
* Added scrapyard mission
* Slightly increased Trade XP for selling items to stations
== This is Vendetta version 1.1.5. ==
Changes from 1.1.4:
* Added bounty system
* Added marshal bot in capital sectors; /msg or hail the marshal bot for more information.
* Added /hail command that hails the currently selected target. Reload the default key settings to use this command or type in these commands:
  /alias hail "activatechattab 0; msg target%hailmsg" /bind "h" hail
The 'activatechattab 0;' part is optional. It just forces the General Chat tab to activate.
* Channel 11 is now nation-restricted; you can only see chat from members of your own nation. This is to temporarily fill in the need for a proper nation chat mode.
* Fixed guild bug with trying to vote out someone who's not online
* Added bonuses for the prospecting accomplishment
* All HUD elements should resize properly now (except some centered text)
* Fixed problems with mining certain objects
* Prospecting mission counts towards the system the mission was taken, not where the mission was completed
* Fixed some crashes
* Added more accomplishments/medals
* Fixed /load failing to execute last line if there's no carriage return
* Updated text sizes, changed font weights (not bold above a certain size)
* Exploding near a player should no longer set temporary Kill on Sight
* Added some new weapons for certain accomplishments
* Repair gun no longer gives no-fire-zone warning
* User-definable hail message located in Options->Controls->Input (temporary location)
* Added some more accomplishments
* Fixed exploit in Advanced Combat mission where difficulty wasn't increasing as level went up
* Fixed jerky station spin in Login menu
== This is Vendetta version 1.1.4. ==
Changes from 1.1.3
* News system in station
* Jettison menu
* New font system
* OS X version doesn't show resolution depths < 16 bits
* OS X fixes for switching between window mode and fullscreen mode
* OS X doesn't make the window smaller if it is the exact same width as the desktop
* Windows version doesn't crash if joystick is unplugged and Scan is pressed
* Added 2D/3D targeting reticle option
* Fixed bug with CTC weapon being given to both sides regardless of who won
* Changed targeting heuristic to try to be able to select asteroids more reliably
* Prospecting mission gives mining XP instead of trade XP
== This is Vendetta version 1.1.3. ==
Changes from 1.1.2
Major gameplay changes:
* Mining license and 8 mining guns, progress indicator for mining
* Ship is automatically repaired when docking to a station
* New 2-D target box instead of 3-D target box
* New scanners and info about targeted object listed next to damage indicator on the HUD
* License levels are now granted immediately upon gaining sufficient skill points (no "License Test mission")
* Targeting another ship will display what type of ship it is
* Targeting crates will display what is in the crate
* No penalties for killing a low-level player who has participated in CTF
Other bugfixes and minor changes:
* Advanced combat mission not available until level 2. Border Patrol available at 4.
* Azek/Latos border now guarded instead of monitored
* OS X graphics driver rewritten to work better with multi-monitor setups and to clean up bugs
* Support for extra mouse buttons if available
* Trying to fix problem when joysticks sometimes stop working in Windows
* Further debugging info added for Linux joysticks
* Target distance is more precise, calculates nearest point on surface of target to center of ship
* More minerals
* Capture-The-Cargo timers should work properly after the round ends
* Prospecting and spy missions increment single-player mission count
* Spy mission changed to requiring at least level 1 combat
* Asteroids have varying amounts of minerals
* Asteroids have a temperature that changes the mining rate
* Mining guns have varying extraction rates and heat generation rates
* Trader NPCs take longer to traverse sectors
* Removed wireframe mode
* Skill point reward messages now grouped
* Updated tutorial
* Fixed long-standing bug in AI maneuvering code (which sometimes prevented transports from reaching their warp-out destination, for instance)
== This is Vendetta version 1.1.2. ==
Changes from 1.1.1
* "Scanner" effect fixed for OpenGL (as seen on mining drones and with the scanner mission item)
* The name generator is fixed
* /guild resign lieutenant fixed
* Cargo correctly affects ship mass when picking up duplicate items
== This is Vendetta version 1.1.1. ==
Changes from 1.1.0
* Trader NPCs shouldn't get lost between jumps
* NPCs and bots should activate the wormhole at the proper distance
* NPCs and bots don't mysteriously heal after warping
* Orun/Dentek/etc Collectors now mine asteroids
* Trader NPCs use Atlas ships
* Trader NPCs don't shoot back
* Mass indicator on the HUD
* Fixed secondary chat fadeout time
* Added rHUDfadeout variable for setting the fade timeout of the secondary chat area. Defaults to 4 seconds. (Use /set rHUDfadeout x to change it to x seconds)
* Made repair weapon shoot faster and have better autoaim
* Other miscellaneous bug fixes

Latest revision as of 05:46, 5 December 2020

This page hosts the ChangeLogs for Vendetta Online, chronicling its evolution from release through present day.

ChangeLog/1.8 (Current)

The 1.8 series opened with the complete removal of DELIVERATOR and its replacement by KOURIER. With this new infrastructure in place, many new missions were released, and large-scale combat was revamped with Border Skirmish and Hive changes. Other notable changes include the partial opening of the game's LUA scripting interface and the release and/or incorporation of many user-created interface plugins. Graphically, the game got a major boost with the "Super High" background rendering mode, detail textures, and translucent ice. Next, the developers partnered with TeamSpeak to add a long-requested feature to Vendetta Online: voice chat. In a short period, the developers introduced several other long-awaited features: multi-player ships and dynamically conquerable territory. The next year or so of the 1.8 series was spent on the Android release, which brought a much-needed influx of fresh blood. Once that was out the door, Guild brought out two of the longest-awaited features of all: giant stations (>25km across) and user-pilotable capital ships. After a brief interlude on a failed kickstarter campaign, Guild released VO for two more platforms (iPad and Ouya). In 2015, the rendering engine gained the ability to do modern (circa 2004), shader-based dynamic lighting and shadows


The 1.7 series made the new station interface, which had been first introduced in 1.6, the default interface for all characters. This series also brought many new missions to the game, with a new in-game mission interface and the introduction of the Player Contribution Corps, a group of players who are given access to the mission editor. Also new in this release series was a replacement for the venerable Wraith, the new Revenant. Finally. the 1.7 series also introduced some oft-requested features like shields for capital ships and repair costs which varied depending on amount of damage to repair and distance from a station that sold the required parts.


Vendetta 1.6 introduced the PDA and the current station interface. This series also changed the look of the game quite a bit by changing the way lighting is done to be more realistic. Many players feel that this change resulted in a darker, moodier atmosphere.


Version 1.5 introduced the new client to the game, along with the first major revamp of the station interface since alpha version 3.2.0. Many other new features were also added in this series, such as the TPG Raptor, Teradon and the EC-89.


This period saw the release of the game and the addition of many features that are now taken for granted, such as mining, the intergalactic news system, and the Behemoth.

Last modified on 5 December 2020, at 05:46