- faq:Moving around the universe contains:
- How do I dock?
- How do I jump/warp?
- What is the blue bar at the bottom of my screen showing?
- Help! I’m unable to jump!
- Why do I have to get to 3000m?
- Ion Storms:
- What is an ion storm (also called warp storm)? And why do I keep ending up in them?
- How do you know if you are in a storm?
- How do you avoid storms and stay safe when in a storm?
- Help! I’m unable to jump out of a storm!
- How do I backup/fly backwards?
- How do I avoid getting shot?
- faq:The economy contains:
- Cargo:
- How do I pick up cargo?
- How do I know what the cargo is?
- How do I drop cargo?
- How do I make/get money?
- Where should I set my home station?
- What do stations really want to trade?
- What stations are buying <x>?
- What stations are selling <x>?
- How does the economy work?
- Cargo:
- faq:Combat contains:
- Is PVP allowed?
- Is there a PVP flag or anyway to avoid PVP?
- How do I duel a member of my own faction?
- How do I shoot other ships?
- How do I join/form a group?
- How do I do the beginner combat mission?
- How do I do the advanced combat mission?
- faq:Equipment and ships contains:
- What nation/ship/weapon is the best?
- How/when do I get <X> weapon/ship?
- How do I buy and equip new equipment?
- How do I add new equipment?
- How do I swap equipment?
- Where do I get <X> ship or equipment?
- What is the black-market and where do I find it?
- How do I get more missiles for my launcher?
- How do I repair my ship?
- How does the mass of my ship change how it flies?
- faq:Licenses and experience contains:
- How do I get experience/skill points?
- Where can I get a mission?
- What does 0/0/0/0/0 mean?
- What does license requirements mean?
- How do I earn a license or level up?
- How much XP do I need?
- How do I find out my character info?
- Missions has been made into a separate article.
- faq:Chat contains:
- How do I chat with people?
- How do I send a private message?
- How do I switch chat tabs?
- How do I hail a player?
- What are designated channels VO?
- Capture the Cargo is now a separate article.
- faq:Miscellaneous contains:
- Does pirating work in this game?
- Why does the first ship look like a bus?
- Can you land on planets?
- What happens when you reach the edge of the sector?
- How can I contact the developers?