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Player VS. Player

671 bytes added, 03:19, 11 March 2007
/* Answers */
#If you're posting a general combat tip, just post it as normal in its proper section. But if your tip is more specific or something that you personally recommend doing in combat, feel free to make a template and post in there. That way, people can discern from general ideals that everyone pretty much adheres to and more specific tips from certain players.--[[User:Ghost|Ghost]]
#No. The Ion has more than just the disadvantage of damage, it also has a lower speed. This means you'll hit less often in addition to not as hard. The Neutron is the best mix of damage and speed in the game, and that makes 600 kg sort of the expected weight for any weapon- in other words, the point we measure from.--[[User:Aramarth|Aramarth]]
-I concur. The velocity difference is too much to use the Ion as a primary weapon in PvP. The low weight, however, makes it a viable choice for a secondary weapon. I most often fly a valk with two neuts and a orion xgx. The less weight balanced with the power of the two neuts makes a great difference. I'd take it over a tri-neut anyday. The other thing to remember is that when dealing with low thrust fighters (light fighters) every little bit of mass has an effect. But on an IBG, you're going to want something with velocity to hit your target. But if you can, get a version of the neut (N3 or Law neut) that has 400kg instead of 600.--[[User:Ghost|Ghost]]