
Revision as of 02:24, 18 February 2005 by Miharu (Talk | contribs)

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There are a couple of rules that are enforced by the guides((Vendetta's version of Game Masters.)).

Exploiting a bug can get you banned from the game for an amount of the time. This isn't allowed because you are using a bug to your (unfair) advantage and not reporting it.

Verbally assaulting players is, of course, not allowed. This makes people dislike eachother and makes the game unpleasant to others. If you do this a guide will warn you, if you do not listen you will receive a temporary mute. While muted you will still be able to message the guide.


Guides be sure people behave, and they also help people with questions about the game and with bugs. When you are spoken to by a guide about inappropriate behavior, there text will appears white and there name will appear as "Guide1234((Numbers vary from guide to guide.))" if you are muted you can still message the guide by typing:

  • /msg Guide1234 (your message)

Abusing this will just increase the amount of time you are muted.


The generaly accepted rules of a duel can range from very simple bus duels, to very complex competitions.

For the basic duel there are a few key rules:

  1. Opponents must have a starting distance of 1000m.
  2. Any requests as to ship type/weapon loadout from either side must be honored.
  3. Docking to rearm/repair and warping out of a sector are regarded as a loss for that pilot.
  4. An issue in any form, be it from collision or self inflicted damage is regarded as a loss for that pilot.
  5. If at any point a ship not involved in the duel fires on or damages any ship, should be destroyed (if possible) by the duelists.
Last modified on 18 February 2005, at 02:24