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Revision as of 03:27, 9 July 2005

This is an automated dodge. It's not particularly effective, but can enable one to avoid shots from a hostile AI. When used against players, this is generally considered to be a "cheap" tactic.


alias dodgeTog dodgeOn
alias dodgeOn "alias dodgeUp '+StrafeDown 0; +StrafeUp; wait 2 dodgeDown'; dodgeOnB"
alias dodgeOnB "alias dodgeDown '+StrafeUp 0; +StrafeDown; wait 2 dodgeUp'; alias dodgeTog dodgeOff; dodgeOnC"
alias dodgeOnC "alias dodgeRight '+StrafeLeft 0; +StrafeRight; wait 2 dodgeLeft'; echo 'Auto dodge ON'; dodgeOnD"
alias dodgeOnD "alias dodgeLeft '+StrafeRight 0; +StrafeLeft; wait 2 dodgeRight'; dodgeUp; wait 1 dodgeRight"
alias dodgeOff "alias dodgeUp dodgeInactive; alias dodgeDown dodgeInactive; alias dodgeTog dodgeOn; dodgeOffB"
alias dodgeOffB "alias dodgeRight dodgeInactive; alias dodgeLeft dodgeInactive; dodgeInactive; echo 'Auto dodge OFF'"
alias dodgeUp dodgeInactive
alias dodgeDown dodgeInactive
alias dodgeRight dodgeInactive
alias dodgeLeft dodgeInactive
alias dodgeInactive "+StrafeUp 0; +StrafeDown 0; +StrafeRight 0; +StrafeLeft 0"


Bind the following commands to the key of your choice:

Command Description
dodgeTog Toggles the dodging pattern.


Created by Eldrad.

Last modified on 9 July 2005, at 03:27