BioCom Industries

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BioCom Industries is a relative startup in the UIT corporate family. Founded not long after the historic Serco request of diplomatic relations with the UIT in AD4346, BioCom was created by a group of scientists who acquired access to Serco bio-engineering and implantation technology. More recently, they have diversified into other areas, combining their bio-engineering and implantation expertise with the AI and robotics knowledge of Valent Robotics in a corporate alliance. Little is known of the fruits of this rare cooperative effort between two UIT corporations as all developments are shrouded in heavy secrecy and security.[1] Oddly enough, Bio-Com seems to dislike all Itani people.

Special Items

Other Information

  • Station Locations: For a list of stations click here.
  • Trade Goods: For a list of goods sold by BioCom click here.