Player Kills
25 Kills | 100 Kills | 500 Kills |
Obtained by killing other players (PKing).
As you aquire these badges, new mark variants of the Rail Gun will become available to you.
Bus Killer |
Obtained by PKing (50x) while flying a bus.
Once you have aquire this badge you will be able to fly the EC-107 Bus Hunter.
P.S. does not work in duels.
Hive Kills
10 Queens |
This badge is aquired by killing 10 Hive Queens.
Once you have aquired this badge you are able to purchase the Mega Positron Blaster.
Master Prospector |
Must complete all prospecting missions in each system. On average, there are 4 missions per system (120 in total).
Once aquired, you're able to use the High Density Mining Beam as well as the Advanced Mineral Scanner.
Bronze, 5 | Silver, 15 | Gold, 40 |
To obtain the mentor badges you must become a mentor to other players. When your students have rated you "good" enough times you will receive a mentor badge.
Aquiring the bronze will get you a 5% discount to all goods sold by your faction stations; Silver will get you the Repair Module MkII; and the Gold will get you the Ultra Fast Charge Battery.
Trader |
This badge is obtained by completing a Trader Guild mission.
There is no known benefit to this badge, other then it's the first that everyone normally aquires.
Alpha Tester | |
Beta Tester |
These badges indicate that an account was created during either the pre-beta or beta periods, respectively.