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When a player has passed specific milestones, completed particular missions, or just been around for long enough, he will sometimes receive a badge which will be visible in his character info window. Some badges also entitle their owner to special equipment or treatment. This page lists all of the known badges currently available in Vendetta Online.

This page is currently undergoing updating.


Name Ribbon/Medal Type Requirement Overrides Unlocks Notes
Alpha Tester
Tester Account created between
2002 and early 2004.
N/A N/A Provides +10 to Ego, +7 to Alpha Envy attack.
Beta Tester
Tester Account created between
early 2004 and November 2004.
N/A N/A Provides +7 to Ego, +4 to Beta Envy attack.
Mentor Level 1 Mentor 5 "good" mentor ratings. N/A 5% discount on goods at your nation's stations. Truthfully, this is the only mentor badge that one needs.
Mentor Level 2 Mentor 15 "good" mentor ratings. Mentor Level 1 Repair Module MkII The Repair Module MkII is not worth the time and effort. See previous note. Unless you are trying to become the Messiah of EMS.
Mentor Level 3 Mentor 40 "good" mentor ratings. Mentor Level 2 Ultra Charge Powercell More efficient to buy the Ultra Charge off of someone who already has access to it.
Race Winner Race Track Holding a Race Track top spot for the Month N/A N/A Fast Guy!
Super Race Winner Race Track Getting 10 Monthly top spots over time N/A N/A Faster Guy!
Badge King Badge Collector Earn 50 Badges N/A N/A Woot! 50 Badges!
Galactic Traveler Travel Visit all 30 systems N/A N/A Been there, done that.


Name Ribbon/Medal Type Requirement Overrides Unlocks Notes
Veteran - 25 Kills
Player vs. Player 25 Player-kills N/A Railgun MkII Killing spree!
Veteran - 100 Kills
Player vs. Player 100 Player-kills N/A Railgun MkIII Rampage!
Veteran - 500 Kills
Player vs. Player 500 Player-kills N/A Rail Gun Advanced Unstoppable!
Specialist I - 1000 Kills
Player vs. Player 1000 Player-kills N/A N/A Crazy!
Specialist II - 2000 Kills
Player vs. Player 2000 Player-kills Specialist I - 1000 Kills N/A Seek Help!
Specialist III - 5000 Kills
Player vs. Player 5000 Player-kills Specialist II - 2000 Kills N/A Easy Tex!
Expert I - 10,000 Kills
Player vs. Player 10000 Player-kills Specialist III - 5000 Kills N/A Rage!
Expert II - 20,000 Kills
Player vs. Player 20000 Player-kills Expert I N/A
Expert III - 50,000 Kills
Player vs. Player 50000 Player-kills Expert II N/A
Gunslinger - 100,000 Kills
Player vs. Player 100000 Player-kills Expert III N/A
Bus Hunter
Player vs. Player 50 Player-kills
while flying an
EC-88 or EC-89
N/A EC-107 Kills from official duels do not count towards this badge.
Duelist Player vs. Player 1600 Duel Rating N/A N/A On Guard!
Master Duelist Player vs. Player 2000 Duel Rating Duelist N/A Touché!
Grandmaster Duelist Player vs. Player 2400 Duel Rating Master Duelist N/A Nicely Done!
Legendary Duelist Player vs. Player 2800 Duel Rating Grandmaster Duelist N/A
Explosive Personality Player vs. Player Kill an enemy with your explosion after dying N/A N/A Kaboom!
Watch My Six Player vs. Player Inflict 50,000 damage with an Atlas or Behemoth turret N/A N/A Butt Blaster!
Hive Queen Hunter I
Anti-Hive 10 Hive Queen kills N/A Mega Positron Blaster Yay! Megaposi!
Hive Queen Hunter II
Anti-Hive 25 Hive Queen kills Hive Queen Hunter I Plasma Annihilator Dominating!
Hive Queen Hunter III
Anti-Hive 100 Hive Queen kills Hive Queen Hunter II N/A Godlike!
Master Hive Queen Hunter
Anti-Hive 500 Hive Queen kills Hive Queen Hunter III N/A Wicked sick!
Leviathan Hunter
Anti-Hive 1 Leviathan kill N/A N/A Nutcase.
Leviathan Hunter II
Anti-Hive 5 Leviathan kills Leviathan Hunter I Capital Rail Cannon Crazy.
Leviathan Hunter III
Anti-Hive 50 Leviathan kills Leviathan Hunter II N/A Insane.
Master Leviathan Hunter
Anti-Hive 200 Leviathan kills Leviathan Hunter III N/A Raving Lunatic.
Hive Hunter I Anti-Hive 10 Hive drone kills N/A N/A Newb.
Hive Hunter II Anti-Hive 50 Hive drone kills Hive Hunter I N/A Double kill.
Hive Hunter III Anti-Hive 100 Hive drone kills Hive Hunter II N/A Multi kill.
Veteran Hive Hunter I Anti-Hive 500 Hive drone kills Hive Hunter III N/A Mega kill.
Veteran Hive Hunter II Anti-Hive 1,000 Hive drone kills Veteran Hive Hunter I N/A Ultra kill!
Veteran Hive Hunter III Anti-Hive 5,000 Hive drone kills Veteran Hive Hunter II N/A Monster kill!
Master Hive Hunter I Anti-Hive 10,000 Hive drone kills Veteran Hive Hunter III N/A Ludicrous!
Master Hive Hunter II Anti-Hive 20,000 Hive drone kills Master Hive Hunter I N/A Holy SHIT!
Master Hive Hunter III Anti-Hive 50,000 Hive drone kills Master Hive Hunter II N/A Really?
Hive Dominator Anti-Hive 100,000 Hive drone kills Master Hive Hunter III N/A You Dominator You!!!
Hive Sector Hunter I Anti-Hive Clear 5 dynamic hive sectors without military forces N/A N/A Successfully clearing a dynamic hive sector without military forces present will display the following message:"Great job pilot! The hive are abandoning this sector, for now."
Hive Sector Hunter II Anti-Hive Clear 25 dynamic hive sectors without military forces Hive Sector Hunter I N/A See above.
Hive Sector Hunter III Anti-Hive Clear 50 dynamic hive sectors without military forces Hive Sector Hunter II N/A See above.
Hive Sector Hunter IV Anti-Hive Clear 100 dynamic hive sectors without military forces Hive Sector Hunter III N/A See above.
Hive Sector Hunter V Anti-Hive Clear 250 dynamic hive sectors without military forces Hive Sector Hunter IV N/A See above.
Hive Sector Hunter VI Anti-Hive Clear 500(?) dynamic hive sectors without military forces Hive Sector Hunter V N/A See above.
Pirate Hunter I NPC-Pirate 5 Unaligned Pirate Fighter kills N/A N/A Yarr.
Pirate Hunter II NPC-Pirate 50 Unaligned Pirate Fighter kills Pirate Hunter I N/A Yarrr!
Pirate Hunter III NPC-Pirate 250 Unaligned Pirate Fighter kills Pirate Hunter II N/A ...
Pirate Hunter IV NPC-Pirate 500 Unaligned Pirate Fighter kills Pirate Hunter III N/A Those poor pirates.
Pirate Hunter V NPC-Pirate 1000 Unaligned Pirate Fighter kills Pirate Hunter IV N/A Pirate Murderer
Pirate Hunter VI NPC-Pirate 5000 Unaligned Pirate Fighter kills Pirate Hunter V N/A Doom Guy.
Pirate Trident Hunter I NPC-Pirate 5 Unaligned Pirate Trident kills N/A N/A
Pirate Trident Hunter II NPC-Pirate 25 Unaligned Pirate Trident kills Pirate Trident Hunter I N/A
Pirate Trident Hunter III NPC-Pirate 50 Unaligned Pirate Trident kills Pirate Trident Hunter II N/A
Pirate Trident Hunter IV NPC-Pirate 100 Unaligned Pirate Trident kills Pirate Trident Hunter III N/A


Name Ribbon/Medal Type Requirement Overrides Unlocks Notes
Trader Trading Completion of 1 Trade Guild mission N/A N/A There is no known benefit to this badge; however, it is the first that players will normally acquire.
Basic Trader I
Trading Earn 5,000 credits in profit. N/A EC-104 You do not have to make that many credits all in one go; it is a cumulative profit counter. Credits earned from missions do not count toward this ribbon.
Basic Trader II
Trading Earn 100,000 credits in profit. Basic Trader I N/A See above.
Basic Trader III
Trading Earn 1,000,000 credits in profit. Basic Trader II Aeolus Light Behemoth See above.
Basic Trader IV
Trading Earn 10,000,000 credits in profit. Basic Trader III N/A See above.
Intermediate Trader I
Trading Earn 20,000,000 credits in profit. Basic Trader IV N/A See above.
Intermediate Trader II
Trading Earn 50,000,000 credits in profit. Intermediate Trader I N/A See above.
Intermediate Trader III
Trading Earn 100,000,000 credits in profit. Intermediate Trader II N/A See above.
Intermediate Trader IV
Trading Earn 200,000,000 credits in profit. Intermediate Trader III N/A See above.
Trade Master I
Trading Earn 500,000,000 credits in profit. Intermediate Trader IV N/A See above.
Trade Master II
Trading Earn 1,000,000,000 credits in profit. Trade Master I N/A See above.
Trade Master III
Trading Earn 2,000,000,000 credits in profit. Trade Master II N/A See above.
Trade Master IV Trading Earn 5,000,000,000 credits in profit Trade Master III N/A Highest level of this award


Name Ribbon/Medal Type Requirement Overrides Unlocks Notes
Master Prospector
Prospecting Completion of all 120 Prospecting missions N/A Advanced Mineral Scanner
High-Density Mining Beam
There are an average of 4 Prospecting missions in each system. You must complete every one of them for this badge.
Basic Miner I
Mining 500cu N/A Improved Mining Beam Mine ore and sell/use in a station or mission.
Basic Miner II
Mining 15,000cu Basic Miner I Behemoth Heavy Miner See above.
Basic Miner III
Mining 100,000cu Basic Miner II Behemoth Heavy Miner MkII See above.
Basic Miner IV
Mining 1,000,000cu Basic Miner III N/A See above.
Advanced Miner I
Mining 2,000,000cu Basic Miner IV N/A See above.
Adv. Miner II Mining 5,000,000cu Advanced Miner I N/A See above.
Adv. Miner III Mining 10,000,000cu Advanced Miner II N/A See above.
Adv. Miner IV Mining 20,000,000cu Advanced Miner III N/A See above.
Industrial Miner I Mining 50,000,000cu Advanced Miner IV N/A See above.
Ind. Miner II Mining 100,000,000cu Industrial Miner I N/A See above.
Ind. Miner III Mining 200,000,000cu Industrial Miner II N/A See above.
Ind. Miner IV Mining 500,000,000cu Industrial Miner III N/A See above.
Planet Cracker Mining 1,000,000,000cu Industrial Miner IV N/A Highest level of this award
Pentric Miner I
Mining 50cu of mined Pentric Ore N/A N/A Ore for these ribbons only counts if it is mined by the player.
Pentric Miner II
Mining 500cu of mined Pentric Ore Pentric Miner I N/A See above.
Pentric Miner III
Mining 5,000cu of mined Pentric Ore Pentric Miner II N/A See above.
Pentric Miner IV
Mining 50,000cu of mined Pentric Ore Pentric Miner III N/A See above.
Denic Miner I
Mining 50cu of mined Denic Ore N/A N/A Ore for these ribbons only counts if it is mined by the player.
Denic Miner II
Mining 500cu of mined Denic Ore Denic Miner I N/A See above.
Denic Miner III
Mining 5,000cu of mined Denic Ore Denic Miner II N/A See above.
Denic Miner IV
Mining 50,000cu of mined Denic Ore Denic Miner III N/A See above.
Heliocene Miner I
Mining 50cu of mined Heliocene Ore N/A N/A Ore for these ribbons only counts if it is mined by the player.
Heliocene Miner II
Mining 500cu of mined Heliocene Ore Heliocene Miner I N/A See above.
Heliocene Miner III
Mining 5,000cu of mined Heliocene Ore Heliocene Miner II N/A See above.
Heliocene Miner IV
Mining 50,000cu of mined Heliocene Ore Heliocene Miner III N/A See above.

The Basic Miner series of badges requires you to mine AND sell ore to get credit for the badge (ores collected by a mission count as sold). The way this works is each type of ore has separate ore mined and ore sold counters, and the lower of each set of numbers counts toward the total.

For Example:
Ishik Ore Xithricite Ore Lanthanic Ore Heliocene Ore
150 cu Mined 200 cu Mined 0 cu Mined 20 cu Mined
100 cu Sold 400 cu Sold 50 cu Sold 0 cu Sold
Credit for badge = MINIMUM(150, 100) + MINIMUM(200,400) + MINIMUM(0,50) + MINIMUM(20,0)
Credit for badge = 100 + 200 + 0 + 0
Credit for badge = 300