Collector drones

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Collector drones are the main source of the hive's resources, many sectors in a system are filled with 10-20 collectors. These collectors warp into the system, mine, and warp back to the Hive Queen. If a threat is spotted a couple collectors will engage the threat. There are four variants of the collector hive ship. Most of the differences are aesthetic, armor, and weapon strength. The order of strength of the collectors from weakest to strongest is: Orun, Kannik, Dentek, Artemis. The basic combat mission requires that you kill collector type bots, eventually the mission will require you to kill only Dentek or Artemis collectors. Since each bot has a different difficulty, you will be rewarded different amounts of experience.

Developer's Desk From the desk of John "Incarnate" Bergman -- Collectors (Taken from: Design Wiki)
Collectors form the broad mining base of the Hive. The most common of all Hive drones, they carry out most of the day-to-day workload necessary to keep the Hive operational. This includes, predominately, extracting ores and minerals from anywhere these resources can be found. Equipped primarily for their tasks of mining and transporting small amounts of cargo, Collectors are lightly armed, depending on their heavier brethren for protection under threating conditions.

Orun Collector

Click for Full Size
Weapon XP Combat XP Hull Strength Mass Weapon Ports Max Speed Turbo Speed License ALA
5 100 3000 20000kg 2 small 40 m/s 50 m/s 0/0/0/0/0 3
Systems Located In: Itan, Dau, Sol II
Hive Ion Blaster x2
Free Power Cell

How to Kill

An Orun collector bot can be evaded with the use of one strafe key. Shots you fire from within 500 meters will usually score hits, unless you are flying with auto-aim off or before your HUD indicator turns yellow. Just like the basic flight test. These are your target if you need a forgiving enemy to learn against.

Kannik Collector

Click for Full Size
Weapon XP Combat XP Hull Strength Mass Weapon Ports Max Speed Turbo Speed License ALA
10 125 3000 20000kg 2 small 40 m/s 50 m/s 2/1/0/0/0 4
Systems Located In: Itan, Pherona
Hive Ion Blaster x2
Free Power Cell

How to Kill

Similar to the Orun, a Kannik can be evaded with the use of one strafe key. This bot's weapons are very slightly more powerful. Shots you fire from within 500 meters will usually score hits (see above). I have seen a Kannik collector fire at me and miss while I was sitting still.

Dentek Collector

Click for Full Size
Weapon XP Combat XP Hull Strength Mass Weapon Ports Max Speed Turbo Speed License ALA
20 180 9000 12000kg 2 small _ m/s _ m/s 0/1/6/0/0 5
Systems Located In: Itan, Pherona
Ion Blaster x2
Medium Power Cell

How to Kill

Once again, this model of bot can probably be evaded using a single strafe key. Shots you fire from within 400 meters will usually score hits. The Dentek is a pleasant bot to learn against. It will take a bit more effort to kill than Oruns or Kanniks, in part due to the increase in armor.

Artemis Collector

Click for Full Size
Weapon XP Combat XP Hull Strength Mass Weapon Ports Max Speed Turbo Speed License ALA
35 150 11000 12000kg 3 small _ m/s _ m/s 3/1/6/0/0 5
Systems Located In: Itan, Pherona
Ion Blaster x2
Medium Power Cell

How to Kill

You may succeed in evading Artemis fire with one strafe key, but most people use two. Use some distance control to stay within 300 meters of this model. This is where the money is at in collector bots. The Artemis has the most armor, but also the best experience reward per kill.