Capella class vessel

Revision as of 04:54, 14 August 2021 by HunPredator (Talk | contribs)

We need pictures!

The Capella is an enormous ship. It has 17 turrets and currently the only vessel to have two docking ports. You can see them in NPC convoys, sometimes even 5 or more per sector. Basically nothing known about it right now, but seem to be larger than the TPG Constellation Heavy Transport.

Game Description

Player Construction

As of this time you cannot build or buy a Capella. However, some players currently seem to believe that acquiring double the resources needed for a Trident Type M will leave you close to a Capella.


Variant Level Armor Shield Cargo Docking Weapons Mass Length Thrust Max Speed Spin Torque Turbo Speed Turbo Energy
Capella class vessel Still in testing, not manufacturable or purchaseable  ? Armour  ? Unknown Sheilds  ? cu Yes  ? Large Port, ? Turret Ports  ? KG  ? Length  ?N Thrust  ? m/s  ? Spin Torque  ? Turbo Speed  ? m/s

Additional Images

Last modified on 14 August 2021, at 04:54